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Passenger movement and air terminal design: artworks, wayfinding, commerce, and kinaesthesia
Interiors ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-08-25 , DOI: 10.1080/20419112.2016.1215678
Menno Hubregtse

Abstract This essay examines how planners design air terminal interiors to order passenger movement and to stimulate passenger spending. Corridors and escalators are obvious examples of interior design that function to guide passengers through the space. However, there are other subtle strategies such as ceiling designs, flooring patterns, and artworks that are intended to prompt passengers to move towards certain locations. I discuss how these designs operate on an affective register and how planners believe that material cues might stimulate particular types of movement and specific mental states associated with a desire to spend. While this essay examines a number of design strategies, it focuses on how artworks are used in the terminal for wayfinding and commercial purposes. I consider how artworks are installed as landmarks to help with orienting oneself in the terminal and how they are sometimes used to draw passengers towards consumer spaces. I also discuss how planners presume that specific types of artworks will encourage passenger spending. These are often installations that convey themes related to the region where the airport is located. Another widespread theme among airport artworks is movement. In many cases, these artworks signify a relatively unrestricted type of movement that contrasts with the regulated movement that passengers typically experience while flying commercially. I consider how these artworks are able to affect passengers and elicit kinaesthesia, the sensation of movement, and whether these representations of unrestricted movement are installed for functional purposes.



摘要 本文探讨了规划者如何设计航站楼内部以安排乘客流动并刺激乘客消费。走廊和自动扶梯是室内设计的明显例子,其功能是引导乘客穿过空间。然而,还有其他一些微妙的策略,例如天花板设计、地板图案和旨在促使乘客移动到某些位置的艺术品。我讨论了这些设计如何在情感上运作,以及规划者如何相信物质线索可能会刺激与消费欲望相关的特定类型的运动和特定的心理状态。虽然这篇文章研究了许多设计策略,但它侧重于如何在终端中使用艺术品进行寻路和商业目的。我考虑如何将艺术品安装为地标以帮助在航站楼中定位自己,以及它们有时如何用于将乘客吸引到消费空间。我还讨论了规划者如何假设特定类型的艺术品会鼓励乘客消费。这些通常是传达与机场所在地区相关的主题的装置。机场艺术品中另一个普遍存在的主题是运动。在许多情况下,这些艺术品代表一种相对不受限制的运动类型,与乘客在商业飞行时通常经历的受管制运动形成对比。我考虑这些艺术品如何影响乘客并引发动觉、运动感,以及这些不受限制的运动表现是否是出于功能目的而安装的。