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Between Necessity and Legal Responsibility: The Development of EEWS In Italy And Its International Framework
Frontiers in Earth Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-07 , DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.685153
Cecilia Valbonesi

Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWSs) represent a technical-scientific challenge aimed at improving the chance of the population exposed to the earthquake shaking of surviving or being less affected. The ability of an EEWS to affect the risk and, in particular, vulnerability and exposure, may determine serious legal responsibilities for people involved in the system, as scientists and experts. The main question concerns, in fact, the relationship between EEWSs and the predictability and avoidability of earthquake effects- i.e., the ground shaking affecting citizens and infrastructures - and the possibility for people to adopt self protective behavior and/or for industrial infrastructures to be secured. In Italy, natural disasters, such as the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake, teach us that the relationship between science and law is really difficult. So, before EEWSs become operational in Italy, it is necessary to: 1. examine the legislative and technical solutions adopted by some of the international legal systems in countries where this service is offered to citizens; 2. reconstruct the international and European regulatory framework that promotes the introduction of EW systems as life-saving tools for the protection of the right to life and understand whether and how these regulatory texts can impose an obligation on the Italian legal system to develop EEWS; 3. understand what responsibilities could be ascribed to the scientists and technicians responsible for managing EEWS in Italy, analyzing the different impact of vulnerability and exposure on the predictability and avoidability of the harmful event; 4. Reflect on the lessons that our legal system will have to learn from other Countries when implementing EEW systems. In order to find appropriate solutions, it is essential to reflect on the opportunity to provide shared and well-structured protocols and creating detailed disclaimers clearly defining the limits of the service. A central role must be recognized to education, because people should not only expect to receive a correct alarm but must be able to understand the uncertainties involved in rapid estimates, be prepared to face the risk, and react in the right way.



地震早期预警系统 (EEWS) 是一项技术科学挑战,旨在提高人们在地震中幸存或受影响较小的机会。EEWS 影响风险,尤其是脆弱性和暴露的能力,可能决定参与系统的人员(作为科学家和专家)的严重法律责任。事实上,主要问题涉及 EEWS 与地震影响的可预测性和可避免性之间的关系——即影响公民和基础设施的地震动——以及人们采取自我保护行为和/或保护工业基础设施的可能性. 在意大利,自然灾害,例如 2009 年的拉奎拉地震,告诉我们科学与法律的关系真的很难。因此,在 EEWS 在意大利投入使用之前,有必要: 1. 检查向公民提供该服务的国家的一些国际法律体系所采用的立法和技术解决方案;2. 重建促进引入电子战系统作为保护生命权的救生工具的国际和欧洲监管框架,并了解这些监管文本是否以及如何对意大利法律体系施加发展电子战系统的义务;3. 了解可以赋予意大利负责管理 EEWS 的科学家和技术人员哪些责任,分析脆弱性和暴露对有害事件的可预测性和可避免性的不同影响;4. 反思我们的法律体系在实施 EEW 系统时必须向其他国家学习的经验教训。为了找到合适的解决方案,必须考虑提供共享和结构良好的协议的机会,并创建明确定义服务限制的详细免责声明。必须认识到教育的核心作用,因为人们不仅应该期望收到正确的警报,而且还必须能够理解快速估计所涉及的不确定性,准备好面对风险,并以正确的方式做出反应。必须反思提供共享和结构良好的协议的机会,并创建明确定义服务限制的详细免责声明。必须认识到教育的核心作用,因为人们不仅应该期望收到正确的警报,而且还必须能够理解快速估计所涉及的不确定性,准备好面对风险,并以正确的方式做出反应。必须反思提供共享和结构良好的协议的机会,并创建明确定义服务限制的详细免责声明。必须认识到教育的核心作用,因为人们不仅应该期望收到正确的警报,而且还必须能够理解快速估计所涉及的不确定性,准备好面对风险,并以正确的方式做出反应。