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Occam’s razor revisited: guenon species morphology supports evidence for an African influence in Bronze Age Aegean fresco primate iconography from Akrotiri, Thera
Primates ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10329-021-00930-w
J D Pruetz 1 , C Greenlaw 2

In a recent exchange, Pareja et al. (Primates 61: 159–168, 2020a; Primates 61: 767–774, 2020b) and Urbani and Youlatos (Primates, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10329-020-00825-2, 2020a) dispute the re-interpretation of the primate species depicted in a Bronze Age fresco from Room 6 of Building Complex Beta at Akrotiri, Thera. They review the history of interpretations of this artwork and combine the expertise of scholars that traditionally focus on such research with the scientific expertise of primatologists to reexamine the artwork. Additionally, they emphasize the morphological traits exhibited by these painted primates. We review and expand their list of candidate primates here in a decision table to demonstrate that the African link is better supported by the morphological traits than the Asian one proposed by Pareja et al. (2020a, b). Using such evidence, we show that other guenons of the tribe Cercopithecini, such as L’Hoest’s monkey (Allochrocebus lhoesti) and the Diana monkey (Cercopithecus diana), provide equal support for the African link as the vervet monkey proposed by Urbani and Youlatos (2020a). However, the historical context supports the traditional interpretation that the Akrotiri fresco depicts vervet monkeys from this region. This discourse provides an open forum for scholars in various fields to contribute to an important problem that crosses disciplinary boundaries.



在最近的一次交流中,Pareja 等人。(灵长类动物 61:159-168,2020a;灵长类动物 61:767-774,2020b)和 Urbani 和 Youlatos(灵长类动物,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10329-020-00825-2,2020a)对 re-a 的争论对锡拉阿克罗蒂里 Beta 建筑群 6 号房间青铜时代壁画中描绘的灵长类动物物种的解释。他们回顾了对这件艺术品的解释历史,并将传统上专注于此类研究的学者的专业知识与灵长类动物学家的科学专业知识相结合,重新审视了这件艺术品。此外,他们强调了这些彩绘灵长类动物所表现出的形态特征。我们在决策表中审查并扩展了他们的候选灵长类动物名单,以证明与 Pareja 等人提出的亚洲联系相比,形态特征更好地支持非洲联系。(2020a, b)。Allochrocebus lhoesti ) 和戴安娜猴 ( Cercopithecus diana ) 与 Urbani 和 Youlatos (2020a) 提出的长尾猴一样,为非洲联系提供了同等支持。然而,历史背景支持传统解释,即 Akrotiri 壁画描绘了来自该地区的长尾猴。这篇演讲为各个领域的学者提供了一个开放的论坛,可以为跨越学科界限的重要问题做出贡献。
