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The state and my happiness: Youth mental health, citizenship education and discursive contestations in contemporary Indonesia
Children & Society ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-06 , DOI: 10.1111/chso.12481
Teguh Wijaya Mulya 1 , Francesca Salvi 2 , Paul Gorczynski 3 , Tanya Wells Brown 4

Complementing studies on youth mental health that were mainly depoliticised, this article offers a discursive examination of youth mental health in an Indonesian educational context. We argue that subject positions enabled by the discourse of mental health were at odds with dominant constructions of an ideal Indonesian citizen. Drawing upon qualitative data from 22 teachers and 20 students in a junior high school in Indonesia and analyses of educational policies and textbooks, we identified three discourses underpinning the ideal(ised) constructions of young Indonesian citizen, namely, neoliberalism, (masculine) patriotism and (religious) moralism and discussed how these inhibited youth mental health.



作为对主要去政治化的青年心理健康研究的补充,本文对印度尼西亚教育背景下的青年心理健康进行了广泛的研究。我们认为,心理健康话语所支持的主体立场与理想的印度尼西亚公民的主导结构不一致。根据印度尼西亚一所初中 22 名教师和 20 名学生的定性数据以及对教育政策和教科书的分析,我们确定了支撑印度尼西亚年轻公民理想(化)结构的三种话语,即新自由主义、(男性)爱国主义和(宗教)道德主义并讨论了这些如何抑制青年心理健康。