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Conservative Bias
Reviews in American History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/rah.2020.0066
Kathryn S. Olmsted

In November 1972, CBS television broadcast two episodes of a sitcom in which the main character, a 47-year-old grandmother, wrestled with her choices following her unexpected pregnancy, and finally decided to terminate it. This abortion storyline in Maude aired two months before the Roe v. Wade decision, but took place in New York, where abortion was already legal. The episodes prompted a firestorm of protests. Catholics marched on CBS’s New York headquarters and blockaded the limousine of the network’s vice chairman; two local affiliates refused to air the episodes; and the executive director of a group called Stop Immorality in TV—headed by, among others, Phyllis Schlafly—decried Maude and similar shows for assaulting “the family’s basic sense of decency” and holding up “morality, decency, devotion to God, family, duty and country” to “mockery and laughter” (p. 92). It would be almost four decades before a main character on a television show would again go through with an abortion. Maude’s showrunner was Norman Lear, the brilliant and provocative auteur behind All in the Family (and later, Sanford and Son, Good Times, and The Jeffersons, among other shows). L. Benjamin Rolsky, in The Rise and Fall of the



1972 年 11 月,CBS 电视台播出了两集情景喜剧,主角是一位 47 岁的祖母,在意外怀孕后为自己的选择而挣扎,最终决定终止它。Maude 的这个堕胎故事情节在 Roe v. Wade 案的判决前两个月播出,但发生在纽约,在那里堕胎已经是合法的。这些事件引发了抗议的风暴。天主教徒在 CBS 纽约总部游行,并封锁了该网络副主席的豪华轿车;两家当地附属机构拒绝播出这些剧集;一个名为“停止不道德”的电视团体的执行董事——其中包括菲利斯·施拉夫利(Phyllis Schlafly)——谴责莫德和类似的节目侵犯了“家庭的基本体面意识”,并阻碍了“道德、体面、对上帝的忠诚、家庭, 责任和国家”到“嘲弄和笑声”(第 92 页)。电视节目中的主角再次流产大约需要四年时间。莫德的节目主持人是诺曼·李尔,他是《全家福》(以及后来的《桑福德父子》、《好时光》和《杰斐逊一家》等节目)背后才华横溢且极具挑衅性的导演。L. 本杰明·罗尔斯基,在《时代的兴衰》中