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Editorial Issue 31.6
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1002/cav.1982
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann 1 , Daniel Thalmann 2

This issue contains six papers. In the first paper, Rostislav Netek, Tomas Burian, and Martin Macecek from Palacky University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic, discuss the design, development, and deployment of a VR map application with different levels of user interaction. It presents two pilot studies with different user’s interactivity and technical solutions: “simple” 2D-based map with 360◦ panoramic photos and “true” 3D application for VR glasses. The paper focuses on the possibilities of creating low-cost map applications. Therefore, the working process “from camera toward to virtual map application” is described as followed-up case studies. In the second paper, Dhana Frerichs and Andrew Vidler from Ninja Theory Ltd., Cambridge, UK, and Christos Gatzidis from Bournemouth University, UK, propose a method to simulate the process of mummification by desiccation and its effects on the corpse’s morphology and appearance. The mummifying body is represented by a layered model consisting of a tetrahedral mesh, representing the volume, plus a high-resolution triangle surface mesh representing the skin. The finite element method is used to solve the moisture diffusion and the resulting volume deformations. Skin wrinkling is achieved using position-based dynamics. In order to model a visually believable reproduction of the skin coloration changes due to mummification, a skin-shading approach is used that considers moisture content, hemoglobin content, and oxygen saturation. In the third paper, Alexandros Koilias and Christos-Nikolaos Anagnostopoulos from University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece, and Michael G. Nelson and Christos Mousas from Purdue University, USA, study the movement behavior of participants walking within a virtual crowd in an immersive virtual environment. They investigate three different parameters that characterize a moving virtual crowd: density, speed, and direction. An immersive road-crossing scenario that took place in a virtual metropolitan city was created. In this scenario, the participants are instructed to walk toward the opposite sidewalk. Three measurements (speed, deviation, and trajectory length) are used to evaluate the impact of the parameters assigned to the virtual crowd on the movement behavior of the participants. The fourth paper, by Vincent Magnoux and Benoit Ozell from École Polytechnique de Montreal, from Quebec, Canada, deals with soft-body deformation models used in surgery simulations. The authors propose a novel method for modeling topology and introducing cuts in a meshless soft body simulated on a background grid, as well as a way to progressively update the visual aspect of the object by adding a small number of triangles to the surface mesh to cover the cut area. They determine that the accuracy of the deformation is preserved after cutting by comparing their method to a finite element method. Tests show that this new method achieves interactive simulation rates with more than 10,000 elements while cutting the model and reconstructing the mesh. In the fifth paper, Zili Zhang, Yunfei Li, and Xiaohui Liang from Beihang University, Beijing, China; Bailin Yang from Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China; and Frederick W. B. Li from Durham University, UK propose a novel method integrating a control force field and a phase transition control into the position-based fluids framework. To produce realistic cloud simulation, they incorporate both fluid dynamics and thermodynamics to govern cloud particle movement. The fluid dynamics is simulated through their novel driving and damping force terms. As these terms are only formulated based on cloud particle density and position, they simplify the inputs and make their method free from artificial positional constraints. In the last paper, Jiajun Shi, Chen Li, Changbo Wang, and Gaoqi He from East China Normal University Shanghai China and Hong Qin from State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY, USA, propose a novel hybrid framework by combining smoothed particle hydrodynamics and adaptive narrow band fluid implicit particle method (NB-FLIP) to faithfully model the multiphysical processes involving heat transfer and phase transition, and to precisely simulate the dynamics of condensed droplets moving along intricate objects. The authors first formulate a governing physical model built upon an improved phase transition model and an augmented on-surface drop analysis method to achieve realistic