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Ambedkar’s Journey of Conversion to Buddhism
Contemporary Voice of Dalit ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-31 , DOI: 10.1177/2455328x19825959
Sanjeev Kumar 1

The history of religious conversions has highlighted two aspects. One is the transformation in one’s spiritual and transcendental realm and the other is the social and the political domain that encompasses a sense of rejection of existing religious and philosophical world views as well as assertion of one’s political outlook. In this context, this article explores the contours of one of the most important political thinkers of modern India, that is, B. R. Ambedkar who embraced Buddhism after 40 years of his experiment with the Hindu religion. This article is divided into two parts; the first deals with Ambedkar’s engagement with Hinduism with a hope of reforming the same but having failed in his attempt for 20 years, he declared to leave the religion in 1936. The second part deals with Ambedkar’s both explicit and implicit deliberations for selecting the right noble faith, that is, Buddhism whose foundation was egalitarianism, based on equality and compassion. He used Deweyian experimentalism and Buddhist rationalism, to reject Hinduism and seek refuge in the reformed Buddhism, that is, Navayana Buddhism.



宗教皈依的历史突出了两个方面。一个是精神和超验领域的转变,另一个是社会和政治领域,包括拒绝现有宗教和哲学世界观以及坚持自己的政治观点。在此背景下,本文探讨了现代印度最重要的政治思想家之一的轮廓,即 BR Ambedkar 在对印度教进行了 40 年的实验后接受了佛教。本文分为两部分;第一个涉及 Ambedkar 与印度教的接触,希望对其进行改革,但在他的尝试中失败了 20 年,他于 1936 年宣布离开该宗教。第二部分涉及安贝德卡为选择正确的崇高信仰,即基于平等和慈悲的平等主义基础的佛教而进行的明示和暗示的审议。他利用杜威的实验主义和佛教理性主义,拒绝印度教,投靠改革宗佛教,即纳瓦耶纳佛教。