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Living on the Edge: Interrogating Migrant Labourer Lives of Bengaluru/Bangalore
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-17 , DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n5.rioc1s30n3
Navami T. S. ,

This paper proposes to create a discourse of migrant labourers in the city of Bengaluru/Bangalore, especially during the current period of crisis ensued by COVID-19 pandemic Despite being an essential part of the informal sector economy these workers are often rendered invisible from the urban social, cultural and political spaces of this global city The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Development (Habitat III), held in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016 declared the New Urban Agenda (NUA) — that was adopted as the guideline for urban development for the next twenty years — with the vision of ‘cities for all’ But in reality, for their regional, linguistic, cultural, class and caste differences, the migrant labourers in the city are marginalized from the mainstream urban scene The paper investigates the historiography of the migrant labourers in the city to interrogate the space they occupy in Bengaluru/Bangalore Some of the important questions the paper attempts to grapple with are also about their fight for survival amidst the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and the relief measure responses from the state Evidences show, the immigrant labourers are perceived as the city’s necessary ‘Other’ who are needed to build the city but barely finds any representation in the planning grids of urban architects Their direct experiences and negotiations with ‘the lived city’, available from news archives and other secondary sources, will be interrogated through the lens of ‘the Right to the City’, a concept introduced by Henri Lefebvre The paper attempts to explore if they have any agency to assert their rights to the city and become a meaningful stakeholder in the democratic control over Bengaluru/Bangalore © AesthetixMS 2020



本文建议为班加罗尔/班加罗尔市的移民劳工创造一种话语,特别是在当前由 COVID-19 大流行引发的危机期间,尽管这些工人是非正规部门经济的重要组成部分,但这些工人往往被城市隐形这座全球城市的社会、文化和政治空间 2016 年 10 月在厄瓜多尔基多举行的联合国住房和可持续发展会议(人居三)宣布了新城市议程(NUA)——该议程被采纳为城市发展的指导方针在接下来的二十年里——带着“人人享有城市”的愿景 但实际上,由于他们的地区、语言、文化、阶级和种姓差异,城市中的农民工被主流城市场景边缘化 本文调查了城市中的农民工的历史编纂,以询问他们在班加罗尔/班加罗尔占据的空间 本文试图解决的一些重要问题也是关于他们的在 COVID-19 大流行的爆发和国家的救济措施响应中为生存而战 证据表明,移民劳工被视为城市必要的“其他人”,他们需要建设城市,但在规划网格中几乎找不到任何代表城市建筑师的直接经验和与“生活城市”的谈判,可从新闻档案和其他二手来源获得,将通过“城市权”的镜头进行审问,Henri Lefebvre 提出的概念 本文试图探讨他们是否有任何机构来维护自己对城市的权利,并成为对班加罗尔/班加罗尔进行民主控制的有意义的利益相关者 © AesthetixMS 2020