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Exploration plays of the Potiguar Basin in deep and ultra-deep water, Brazilian Equatorial Margin
Journal of South American Earth Sciences ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2021.103454
Ediane B. da Silva 1 , Helio J.P. Severiano Ribeiro 2 , Eliane Soares de Souza 2

Following the discoveries on West Africa conjugated margin since 2007 (Jubilee, Tweneboa, Venus, Mercury, and other fields) and in the Guiana-Suriname Basin since 2011 (Zaedyus field and Liza Complex/Exxon's Stabroek block), the Potiguar Basin deep/ultra-deep waters represents one of the most important exploratory frontier basins, like others on the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. Aiming to apply similar plays of these discoveries, was performed a 2D seismic interpretation supported by well data in deep/ultra-deep waters of the Potiguar Basin. Thus, based on the seismic horizons corresponding to the main tectono-sedimentary events, five chronostratigraphic intervals were interpreted: U1, U2, U3, U4, and U5. Moreover, there were interpreted three petroleum systems: Pendência-Pescada (!), Alagamar–Alagamar (!) and Quebradas-Ubarana (.). Pendência Formation source rocks are late Berriasian-early Barremian lacustrine shales. Alagamar Formation source rocks are Aptian-Albian evaporitic marine shales and marls of the Galinhos Member and Ponta do Tubarão Beds. Quebradas Formation source rocks are Cenomanian-Turonian deep water marine shales. Among these source rocks, the best is Galinhos Member/Ponta do Tubarão Beds, reaching up to 21% TOC, Type I, II, and III kerogens, excellent petroleum potential for oil/gas generation, and with thermal maturity at the studied area. Quebradas Formation, which is correlated to Cenomanian-Turonian source rocks of the West Africa Equatorial Margin and Guyana-Suriname basins, reaches up 6% TOC, Type I/II kerogen, very good to excellent petroleum potential for oil generation, and adequate thermal maturity at the studied area. Three plays were interpreted: Strike-slip, Anticlinal, and Late Cretaceous Turbidites, whose water-depth varies from 1,500 m to 1,900 m. Considering the sea bottom as a datum, reservoir rocks (fluvio-deltaic and turbidites sandstones) are about 3,050 m to 5,800 m, and source rocks nearly 3,500 m to 6,500 m. Seal rocks could be Late Cretaceous marine shales. Traps are mainly stratigraphic (pinch-out). Migration pathways are mainly lateral (Late Cretaceous Turbidites play) or also vertical through transtensive faults (Strike-slip and Anticlinal plays). The oil window top estimated depth based on well geochemical profiles is about 2,600 m below the sea bottom. Besides that, studies in West Africa Equatorial Margin basins state the oil window top occurs approximately at 2700 m below the sea bottom. Therefore, all the source rocks to the three interpreted plays are below the oil and/or gas window top. In such a way, the studied area in deep/ultradeep waters of PB has great exploration potential for both oil and/or gas.



继 2007 年以来在西非共轭边缘(Jubilee、Tweneboa、Venus、Mercury 和其他油田)和自 2011 年以来在圭亚那-苏里南盆地(Zaedyus 油田和 Liza Complex/Exxon's Stabroek 区块)发现之后,Potiguar 盆地深/超- 深水区是最重要的勘探前沿盆地之一,与巴西赤道边缘的其他盆地一样。为了应用这些发现的类似作用,在 Potiguar 盆地深水/超深水中的井数据支持下进行了二维地震解释。因此,基于与主要构造沉积事件相对应的地震层位,解释了五个年代地层间隔:U1、U2、U3、U4 和 U5。此外,还解释了三个石油系统:Pendência-Pescada (!), Alagamar-Alagamar (!) 和Quebradas-Ubarana(.). Pendência 组烃源岩为晚贝里亚阶-早巴雷姆阶湖相页岩。Alagamar 组烃源岩是 Aptian-Albian 蒸发海相页岩和 Galinhos 段和 Ponta do Tubarão Beds 的泥灰岩。Quebradas 组烃源岩为 Cenomanian-Turonian 深水海相页岩。在这些烃源岩中,最好的是 Galinhos 段/Ponta do Tubarão Beds,TOC 高达 21%,I、II 和 III 型干酪根,具有良好的石油/天然气生产潜力,并且在研究区具有热成熟度。与西非赤道边缘和圭亚那-苏里南盆地的 Cenomanian-Turonian 烃源岩相关的 Quebradas 组达到 6% TOC,I/II 型干酪根,非常好到极好的石油生油潜力,以及足够的热成熟度在研究区域。走滑背斜晚白垩世浊积岩,其水深从 1,500 m 到 1,900 m 不等。以海底为基准,储集岩(河流三角洲和浊积砂岩)约3050~5800m,烃源岩约3500~6500m。海豹岩可能是晚白垩世海相页岩。圈闭主要是地层(尖灭)。运移途径主要是横向的(晚白垩世浊积岩)或垂直的穿越断层(走滑背斜播放)。基于井地球化学剖面的油窗顶部估计深度在海底以下约 2,600 m。除此之外,西非赤道边缘盆地的研究表明,油窗顶部发生在海底约 2700 m 处。因此,三个解释区带的烃源岩都在油气窗口顶部以下。因此,PB 深水/超深水研究区具有巨大的油气勘探潜力。
