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Rural public places: specificity and importance for the local community (case study of four villages)
European Planning Studies ( IF 3.777 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-06 , DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2021.1948974
Soszyński Dawid 1 , Sowińska-Świerkosz Barbara 2 , Kamiński Jan 1 , Trzaskowska Ewa 1 , Gawryluk Adam 3


The paper presents the outcome of research into the unique character of public places in rural areas and the importance of different types of places for the local community. A complex methodology was used, including expert research, interviews and surveys, on the basis of which seven qualities defining the vitality of a place and three features defining the meaning of a place were assessed. Research was conducted in four villages representative of eastern Poland. The obtained results prove that each village, regardless of its size, rank, function and development, has public places important for residents. The distinguishing features of rural public places are spontaneity, informality and a close involvement of residents in their formation. The most essential are still multifunctional village squares (boasting high vitality) with shops fulfilling the key role of the main centres of social activity in the country. However, everyday and central places are losing their prominent position in favour of recreational spaces (with high vitality and meaning). Semi-natural places (high meaning), characteristic of rural areas, have proved to be very important because they often combine private ownership with freedom of access and bottom-up forms of development.




