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Impact of water salinity on long-term dynamics and spatial distribution of benthic invertebrates in the Small Aral Sea
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-18 , DOI: 10.2478/ohs-2019-0032
Elena Krupa 1 , Olga Grishaeva 2

Abstract In 1996–2008, macrozoobenthos of the Small Aral Sea was investigated. A total of 320 macrozoobenthos samples were collected. Statistical analysis and statistical mapping were performed using Statistica and Photoshop software. Ten taxa of macrozoobenthos were identified, with an average water salinity of the Small Aral Sea ranging from 6.3 to 19.0 PSU. Average annual community abundance reached 1962 specimens m−2, with biomass of 107.1 g m−2. Quantitative variables of macrozoobenthos decreased by an order of magnitude by the end of the analyzed period. The polychaete Hediste diversicolor and mollusks Abra ovata, Cerastoderma glaucum, Caspiohydrobia sp. were the dominant taxa. Statistical mapping and correlation analysis revealed that the high biomass of A. ovata and Caspiohydrobia sp. occur in areas with high water salinity. Aggregations of the mollusk C. glaucum were observed in various areas of the sea. The polychaete H. diversicolor preferred areas with relatively low salinity. Analysis of the results showed that the optimum salinity gradient with Aral salt composition was 17–27 PSU for A. ovata, Caspiohydrobia sp. and C. glaucum, while 1–27 PSU for H. diversicolor. Along with changes in water salinity, the currently growing pressure from freshwater fish is an additional factor affecting the structure of benthic communities in the Small Aral Sea.



摘要 1996-2008年对小咸海大型底栖动物进行了调查。共收集了 320 个大型底栖动物样本。使用 Statistica 和 Photoshop 软件进行统计分析和统计映射。确定了 10 个大型底栖动物分类群,小咸海的平均水盐度为 6.3 至 19.0 PSU。年平均群落丰度达到 1962 个标本 m−2,生物量 107.1 gm−2。在分析期结束时,大型底栖动物的数量变量减少了一个数量级。多毛类 Hediste diversicolor 和软体动物 Abra ovata、Cerastoderma glaucum、Caspiohydrobia sp。是优势类群。统计映射和相关性分析表明,A. ovata 和 Caspiohydrobia sp. 的高生物量。发生在海水盐度高的地区。在海洋的不同区域观察到软体动物 C. glaucum 的聚集。多毛类 H. diversicolor 喜欢盐度相对较低的区域。结果分析表明,对于 A. ovata、Caspiohydrobia sp.,咸盐组成的最佳盐度梯度为 17-27 PSU。和 C. glaucum,而 H. diversicolor 为 1-27 PSU。随着水盐度的变化,淡水鱼目前不断增加的压力是影响小咸海底栖群落结构的另一个因素。多彩的。随着水盐度的变化,淡水鱼目前不断增加的压力是影响小咸海底栖群落结构的另一个因素。多彩的。随着水盐度的变化,淡水鱼目前不断增加的压力是影响小咸海底栖群落结构的另一个因素。