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Monuments for the Interim: Twenty-Four Thousand Years
Southern Cultures ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05
Annie Simpson


This experimental article considers the aesthetic and durational implications of the Savannah River Site in South Carolina (a largely hidden node in the American nuclear project, where 40 percent of the Cold War's plutonium was produced). As we come to understand the Anthropocene as a process-state at the edge of geo-history—or, in other words, an always "being-towards-death"—this article asks how a slippery (and often deceitful, in a white settler imaginary) relationship with time in the American South affects how we can imagine 20,000 years of living with a nuclear hangover. This sight- and site-based investigation looks at historical markers, nuclear semiotics, public sculpture, spatial and racial histories, and atomic ecologies to wonder how we are able, or unable, to perceive the radioactive leftovers of empire.




这篇实验性文章考虑了南卡罗来纳州萨凡纳河遗址(美国核项目中一个主要隐藏的节点,冷战时期 40% 的钚产地)对美学和持续时间的影响。当我们开始将人类世理解为地球历史边缘的一个过程状态——或者换句话说,总是“走向死亡”——这篇文章询问了一个滑溜的(通常是欺骗性的,在白色的定居者想象)与美国南部时间的关系会影响我们如何想象 20,000 年的核宿醉生活。这种基于视觉和现场的调查着眼于历史标记、核符号学、公共雕塑、空间和种族历史以及原子生态,以想知道我们如何能够或无法感知帝国的放射性残余物。
