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Southern Cultures ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

cici cheng is a Chinese-born US photographer who grew up in Durham, North Carolina. Her work focuses on family, identity, and cultural transition through visual storytelling. A passionate educator, she continues to explore and teach about finding the edges of self-comfort. Cheng is currently teaching at Duke Kunshan University.

deniz daser is an anthropologist who studies migration, labor, and citizenship. She is an external lecturer at University of St. Gallen and holds a PhD in anthropology from Rutgers University. Her dissertation, "Leveraging Labor in New Orleans: Worklife and Insecurity among Honduran Migrants," drew upon extensive fieldwork in New Orleans.

burak erdim is associate professor of architectural history and design at North Carolina State University. His research traces the operations of transnational planning cultures and his recent book, Landed Internationals: Planning Cultures, the Academy, and the Making of the Modern Middle East, was published by the University of Texas Press (2020).

sarah fouts is assistant professor in the Department of American Studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and holds a PhD in Latin American studies from Tulane University. Fouts is currently working on a book manuscript on labor, migration, food, and transnationalism in post-Katrina New Orleans and Honduras.

steve gallo is a historian and writer who recently completed his PhD in the Department of American and Canadian Studies at the University of Nottingham (UK). His work focuses on the use of public parks as a means of economic stimulation and social control in service of the New South movement.

john lusk hathaway was born in Memphis, Tennessee. He received his MFA from East Tennessee State University in 2012. Nominated for the Baum Award, he received the Individual Artist Fellowship Grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission in 2014. Hathaway is an adjunct professor of photography at the College of Charleston.

endia l. hayes is a doctoral student in sociology at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. Her work engages methods of alternative archiving among Afro-Texans by tracing sensorial, sonic, affective, and immaterial embodiments as a map of early twentieth-century Texas. She is also a contributor to Environmental History Now (EHN). [End Page 162]

alex hofmann is a PhD candidate in history at the University of Chicago, completing his dissertation, "Southern Sublime: Legacies of Civil War Violence in the New South." In the fall, he will be a teaching fellow in the Division of the Social Sciences and the College at the University of Chicago.

jessica jacobs is the author of Take Me with You, Wherever You're Going, winner of the Devil's Kitchen and Goldie Awards, and Pelvis with Distance, winner of the New Mexico Book Award. Chapbook editor for Beloit Poetry Journal, she coauthored Write It! 100 Poetry Prompts to Inspire with her wife, Nickole Brown.

Political geographer mark long is professor of political science at the College of Charleston, and curator-at-large and academic liaison at its Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art. His research is concerned with intersections between visual culture and place in settings as varied as Antarctica, Israel, and the American South.

henry knight lozano is senior lecturer in American history and liberal arts at the University of Exeter. He is the author of Tropic of Hopes: California, Florida, and the Selling of American Paradise, 1869–1929 (2013) and California and Hawai'i Bound: US Settler Colonialism and the Pacific West, 1848–1959 (2021), and coeditor of The Shadow of Selma (2018).

hannah s. palmer is author of the award-winning memoir Flight Path: A Search for Roots Beneath the World's Busiest Airport. A native of Atlanta's Southside, her writing about place is informed by her work as urban designer. Since 2017, she has led a campaign to restore the urban headwaters of Georgia's Flint River.

claire raymond is the author of eight books of critical theory examining feminism and race, including The Photographic Uncanny: Photography, Homelessness, and Homesickness (Palgrave, 2019) and The Selfie, Temporality, and Contemporary Photography (Routledge, 2021). She was a faculty member at the University of Virginia for many years and is now a visiting research collaborator at Princeton University.

annie simpson, a multi-/inter-/un-disciplined artist, was born in North Carolina and...




  • 贡献者

cici cheng是一位出生在美国的华裔摄影师,在北卡罗来纳州的达勒姆长大。她的工作重点是通过视觉讲故事来关注家庭、身份和文化转变。作为一名充满激情的教育家,她继续探索和教授如何找到自我安慰的边缘。程目前在昆山杜克大学任教。

deniz daser是一位研究移民、劳工和公民身份的人类学家。她是圣加仑大学的外部讲师,拥有罗格斯大学人类学博士学位。她的论文“在新奥尔良利用劳动力:洪都拉斯移民的工作生活和不安全感”借鉴了在新奥尔良的广泛实地调查。

burak erdim是北卡罗来纳州立大学建筑历史与设计副教授。他的研究追踪了跨国规划文化的运作,他最近的著作《有地的国际:规划文化、学院和现代中东的形成》由德克萨斯大学出版社(2020 年)出版。

sarah fouts是巴尔的摩县马里兰大学美国研究系的助理教授,并拥有杜兰大学的拉丁美洲研究博士学位。Fouts 目前正在撰写关于卡特里娜飓风后新奥尔良和洪都拉斯的劳工、移民、食品和跨国主义的书籍手稿。

史蒂夫·加洛( steve gallo)是一位历史学家和作家,最近在英国诺丁汉大学 (University of Nottingham) 的美国和加拿大研究系获得了博士学位。他的工作重点是利用公园作为经济刺激和社会控制的手段,为新南方运动服务。

约翰·拉斯克·海瑟薇出生在田纳西州的孟菲斯。他于 2012 年获得了东田纳西州立大学的艺术硕士学位。他获得了鲍姆奖提名,并于 2014 年获得了田纳西州艺术委员会的个人艺术家奖学金。海瑟薇是查尔斯顿学院摄影系的兼职教授。

恩迪亚湖 海耶斯是新不伦瑞克罗格斯大学社会学博士生。她的作品通过追踪感官、声音、情感和非物质体现作为 20 世纪早期德克萨斯州的地图,采用了非裔德克萨斯人的替代存档方法。她还是《Environmental History Now (EHN)》的撰稿人。[第162页结束]


杰西卡·雅各布斯是《带我与你同行》的作者,无论你要去哪里,魔鬼厨房和戈尔迪奖的获得者,以及距离骨盆,新墨西哥图书奖的获得者。Beloit Poetry Journal 的Chapbook 编辑,她与人合着了Write It!100 首诗歌提示与她的妻子尼克尔·布朗一起激发灵感。


亨利·奈特·洛萨诺是埃克塞特大学美国历史和文科高级讲师。他是《热带希望:加利福尼亚、佛罗里达和美国天堂的出售,1869-1929 年(2013 年)》和《加利福尼亚和夏威夷的边界:美国定居者殖民主义和太平洋西部,1848-1959 年(2021 年)》的作者,以及编者之一的塞尔玛的阴影(2018)。

汉娜 帕默是屡获殊荣的回忆录飞行路径:在世界上最繁忙的机场下寻找根源的作者。她是亚特兰大南区人,她作为城市设计师的工作为她撰写关于地方的文章提供了灵感。自 2017 年以来,她领导了一项恢复乔治亚州弗林特河城市源头的运动。

克莱尔·雷蒙德( claire raymond ) 着有八本关于女权主义和种族的批判性理论书籍,包括《神秘摄影:摄影、无家可归和乡愁》(帕尔格雷夫,2019 年)和《自拍、时间性和当代摄影》(劳特利奇,2021 年)。她曾在弗吉尼亚大学任教多年,现在是普林斯顿大学的访问研究合作者。

