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Underestimation of airway luminal eosinophilia by quantitative sputum cytometry
Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.1186/s13223-021-00567-w
Melanie Kjarsgaard 1, 2 , Adil Adatia 1, 2 , Anurag Bhalla 1, 2 , Nicola LaVigne 1 , Katherine Radford 1 , Chynna Huang 1 , Manali Mukherjee 1, 2 , Parameswaran Nair 1, 2

On Wright-stained sputum cytospins, eosinophil differential of ≥ 1.2% is considered abnormal, and ≥ 2.3% identifies an eosinophilic endotype. We hypothesized that failure to consider free eosinophil granules (FEG), and the re-emergence (unmasking) of eosinophilia due to various reasons underestimate the prevalence of the eosinophilic endotype. This is a retrospective analysis of our Institutional Review Board-approved clinical sputum database. Of the 24,176 examinations of sputa from patients with various airway diseases, 17,693 were viable cell counts from 9570 patients (6604 on a single occasion, 2967 from multiple occasions). The prevalence of intact eosinophil % at 1.2 and 2.3% thresholds was first examined. Then, additional evidence of eosinophilia was assessed by semi-quantitative enumeration of FEGs. In those patients whose sputa were examined on multiple occasions (at the time of an exacerbation or after corticosteroid dose was reduced), re-emergence (unmasking) of eosinophilia was assessed . Using the threshold of eosinophilia ≥ 1.2%, 6289/17693 (35.6%) of sputa were classified as eosinophilic. This increased to 7850/17693 (44.4%) when the presence of FEGs was considered. Using the threshold of eosinophilia ≥ 2.3%, 4647/17693 (26.3%) of sputa were classified as eosinophilic. This increased to 5435/17693 (30.7%) when the presence of FEG were considered. Extrapolating from the prevalence of re-emergence observed in the 2967 patients who had sputa examined on multiple occasions to the whole sample, we estimated that eosinophilia at 1.2% threshold would be observed in at least 60% of the samples, and a clinically relevant eosinophilia at 2.3% threshold would be observed in at least 48.5% of the samples. Using a large sputum cytometry clinical database (17,693 viable cell counts), we demonstrate that a single time point intact cell count underestimates the prevalence of eosinophilia in a variety of airway diseases. The prevalence of eosinophilia increases from 35.6 to 60% (40% underestimation) at the 1.2% threshold, and from 26.3 to 48.5% (45% underestimation) at the 2.3% clinically relevant threshold, when free granules and a second examination are considered. This has important implications to identify the eosinophilic and Th2 high endotype both for clinical trials of anti-eosinophil therapies, and to select patients who may respond well to glucocorticosteroids and anti-IL5 therapies.



在 Wright 染色的痰细胞离心涂片中,≥ 1.2% 的嗜酸性粒细胞差异被认为是异常的,而≥ 2.3% 则表明是嗜酸性粒细胞内型。我们假设未能考虑游离嗜酸性粒细胞颗粒 (FEG) 以及由于各种原因导致嗜酸性粒细胞增多症的重新出现(暴露)低估了嗜酸性粒细胞内型的患病率。这是对我们的机构审查委员会批准的临床痰液数据库的回顾性分析。在对各种气道疾病患者的 24,176 份痰液进行的检查中,9570 名患者的活细胞计数为 17,693 份(单次 6604 份,多次检测 2967 份)。首先检查了 1.2% 和 2.3% 阈值下完整嗜酸性粒细胞百分比的流行率。然后,通过 FEG 的半定量计数来评估嗜酸性粒细胞增多的其他证据。在那些多次检查痰液的患者中(在恶化时或皮质类固醇剂量减少后),评估了嗜酸性粒细胞增多症的再次出现(暴露)。使用嗜酸性粒细胞增多 ≥ 1.2% 的阈值,6289/17693 (35.6%) 的痰被归类为嗜酸性粒细胞。当考虑到 FEG 的存在时,这增加到 7850/17693 (44.4%)。使用嗜酸性粒细胞增多 ≥ 2.3% 的阈值,4647/17693 (26.3%) 的痰被归类为嗜酸性粒细胞。当考虑 FEG 的存在时,这增加到 5435/17693 (30.7%)。从 2967 名多次检查痰液的患者中观察到的再出现流行率外推到整个样本,我们估计至少在 60% 的样本中会观察到 1.2% 阈值的嗜酸性粒细胞增多症,以及临床相关的嗜酸性粒细胞增多症在 2。在至少 48.5% 的样本中会观察到 3% 的阈值。使用大型痰细胞计数临床数据库(17,693 个活细胞计数),我们证明单个时间点完整细胞计数低估了嗜酸性粒细胞增多症在各种气道疾病中的患病率。当考虑游离颗粒和第二次检查时,嗜酸性粒细胞增多症的患病率在 1.2% 阈值时从 35.6% 增加到 60%(低估 40%),在临床相关阈值 2.3% 时从 26.3% 增加到 48.5%(低估 45%)。这对于确定抗嗜酸性粒细胞疗法的临床试验中嗜酸性粒细胞和 Th2 高内型以及选择可能对糖皮质激素和抗 IL5 疗法反应良好的患者具有重要意义。使用大型痰细胞计数临床数据库(17,693 个活细胞计数),我们证明单个时间点完整细胞计数低估了嗜酸性粒细胞增多症在各种气道疾病中的患病率。当考虑游离颗粒和第二次检查时,嗜酸性粒细胞增多症的患病率在 1.2% 阈值时从 35.6% 增加到 60%(低估 40%),在临床相关阈值 2.3% 时从 26.3% 增加到 48.5%(低估 45%)。这对于确定抗嗜酸性粒细胞疗法的临床试验中嗜酸性粒细胞和 Th2 高内型以及选择可能对糖皮质激素和抗 IL5 疗法反应良好的患者具有重要意义。使用大型痰细胞计数临床数据库(17,693 个活细胞计数),我们证明单个时间点完整细胞计数低估了嗜酸性粒细胞增多症在各种气道疾病中的患病率。当考虑游离颗粒和第二次检查时,嗜酸性粒细胞增多症的患病率在 1.2% 阈值时从 35.6% 增加到 60%(低估 40%),在临床相关阈值 2.3% 时从 26.3% 增加到 48.5%(低估 45%)。这对于确定抗嗜酸性粒细胞疗法的临床试验中嗜酸性粒细胞和 Th2 高内型以及选择可能对糖皮质激素和抗 IL5 疗法反应良好的患者具有重要意义。我们证明单个时间点完整细胞计数低估了嗜酸性粒细胞增多症在各种气道疾病中的患病率。当考虑游离颗粒和第二次检查时,嗜酸性粒细胞增多症的患病率在 1.2% 阈值时从 35.6% 增加到 60%(低估 40%),在临床相关阈值 2.3% 时从 26.3% 增加到 48.5%(低估 45%)。这对于确定抗嗜酸性粒细胞疗法的临床试验中嗜酸性粒细胞和 Th2 高内型以及选择可能对糖皮质激素和抗 IL5 疗法反应良好的患者具有重要意义。我们证明单个时间点完整细胞计数低估了嗜酸性粒细胞增多症在各种气道疾病中的患病率。当考虑游离颗粒和第二次检查时,嗜酸性粒细胞增多症的患病率在 1.2% 阈值时从 35.6% 增加到 60%(低估 40%),在临床相关阈值 2.3% 时从 26.3% 增加到 48.5%(低估 45%)。这对于确定抗嗜酸性粒细胞疗法的临床试验中嗜酸性粒细胞和 Th2 高内型以及选择可能对糖皮质激素和抗 IL5 疗法反应良好的患者具有重要意义。当考虑游离颗粒和第二次检查时。这对于确定抗嗜酸性粒细胞疗法的临床试验中嗜酸性粒细胞和 Th2 高内型以及选择可能对糖皮质激素和抗 IL5 疗法反应良好的患者具有重要意义。当考虑游离颗粒和第二次检查时。这对于确定抗嗜酸性粒细胞疗法的临床试验中嗜酸性粒细胞和 Th2 高内型以及选择可能对糖皮质激素和抗 IL5 疗法反应良好的患者具有重要意义。