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Experience and market signals in export entry decisions
World Economy ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.1111/twec.13164
Beverly Mendoza 1

Export entry deterrence is a result of export uncertainty, which inhibits the discovery of new exports and prevents a country from realising its true comparative advantage. This paper examines how firms resolve uncertainty through the combination of two learning channels: learning from others and their own export experience. Using Chilean customs data (2007–2016), I find that early entrants have a short export duration and have little export experience. When combining the two learning channels, I find that less experienced exporters are more responsive to new information. Significantly, when observing a 10% increase in average initial export growth, less experience firms have double the entry probability compared with more experienced firms.



出口进入威慑是出口不确定性的结果,它抑制了新出口的发现并阻止一个国家​​实现其真正的比较优势。本文研究了企业如何通过结合两种学习渠道来解决不确定性:向他人学习和自己的出口经验。使用智利海关数据(2007-2016),我发现早期进入者出口时间短,出口经验少。当结合这两个学习渠道时,我发现经验不足的出口商对新信息的反应更快。值得注意的是,当观察到平均初始出口增长 10% 时,经验较少的公司的进入概率是经验丰富的公司的两倍。