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Feasibility study of an Earthquake Early Warning System in Eastern Central Italy
Frontiers in Earth Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.685751
Chiara Ladina , Simone Marzorati , Alessandro Amato , Marco Cattaneo

An Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) is a monitoring infrastructure that allows to alert strategic points (targets) before the arrival of strong shaking waves during an earthquake. In a region like Central Italy, struck by recent and historical destructive earthquakes, the assessment of the implementation of an EEWS is a significant challenge due to the proximity of the seismic sources to many potential targets, such as historical towns, industrial plants, hospitals, etc. In order to understand the feasibility of an EEWS in such area, we have developed an original method of Event Declaration Simulation (EDS), a tool for assessing the effectiveness of an EEWS both for existing seismic networks, for improving them with new stations, and for designing new networks for EEW applications. Values of Time First Alert (TFA), Blind Zone radius (BZ) and Lead Time (LT) have been estimated with respect to selected targets for different network configurations in the study region. Starting from virtual sources homogeneously arranged on regular mesh grids, the alert response was evaluated for actual and improved seismic networks operating in the area, taking into account the effects of the transmission and acquisition systems. In the procedure, the arrival times of the P wave picks, the association binder, the transmission latencies and the computation times were used to simulate the configuration of PRESTo EEWS, simulating both real time and playback elaborations of real earthquakes. The NLLOC software was used to estimate P and S arrival times, with a local velocity model also implemented in the PRESTo EEWS. Our results show that, although Italy’s main seismic sources are located close to urban areas, the Lead Times calculated with the EDS procedure, applied to actual and to improved seismic networks, encourage the implementation of EEWS in the study area. Considering actual delays due to data transmission and computation time, Lead Times of 5 to 10 s were obtained simulating real historical events striking some important targets of the region. We conclude that EEWSs are useful tools that can contribute to protecting people from the harmful effects of earthquakes in Italy.



地震早期预警系统 (EEWS) 是一种监测基础设施,可以在地震期间强烈震动波到来之前向战略点(目标)发出警报。在像意大利中部这样的地区,近期和历史上都发生过破坏性地震,由于震源靠近许多潜在目标,例如历史城镇、工厂、医院、等。为了了解 EEWS 在该地区的可行性,我们开发了一种原始的事件声明模拟 (EDS) 方法,这是一种评估 EEWS 对现有地震网络有效性的工具,用于通过新台站对其进行改进,以及为 EEW 应用程序设计新网络。时间优先警报 (TFA) 的价值,盲区半径 (BZ) 和提前期 (LT) 已针对研究区域中不同网络配置的选定目标进行了估计。从均匀排列在规则网格上的虚拟源开始,考虑到传输和采集系统的影响,对在该地区运行的实际和改进的地震网络的警报响应进行了评估。在该过程中,P 波拾取的到达时间、关联绑定器、传输延迟和计算时间用于模拟 PRESTo EEWS 的配置,模拟真实地震的实时和回放细节。NLLOC 软件用于估计 P 和 S 到达时间,在 PRESTo EEWS 中也实现了局部速度模型。我们的结果表明,尽管意大利的主要震源靠近市区,但使用 EDS 程序计算的提前期,应用于实际和改进的地震网络,鼓励在研究区实施 EEWS。考虑到由于数据传输和计算时间造成的实际延迟,通过模拟打击该地区一些重要目标的真实历史事件,获得了 5 到 10 秒的提前期。我们得出的结论是,EEWS 是有助于保护人们免受意大利地震有害影响的有用工具。通过模拟打击该地区一些重要目标的真实历史事件,获得了 5 到 10 秒的提前期。我们得出的结论是,EEWS 是有助于保护人们免受意大利地震有害影响的有用工具。通过模拟打击该地区一些重要目标的真实历史事件,获得了 5 到 10 秒的提前期。我们得出的结论是,EEWS 是有助于保护人们免受意大利地震有害影响的有用工具。