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Book review: Local social innovation to combat poverty and exclusion. A critical appraisal
European Journal of Social Security ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1177/1388262720965586
Juliette Alenda-Demoutiez 1

Is social innovation (SI) the path to re-legitimating democracies and welfare models? This question is at the heart of Local social innovation to combat poverty and exclusion. This book offers many important insights on the evolving governance of socially innovative initiatives in the fight against poverty. It relies on a rich methodology, with 31 intensive case studies in Europe (and Brazil) around three fields of action: labour markets, education, and housing. The socio-economic team of contributors reflects the different trajectories existing in Europe, as the important pluralism trends needed in order to produce relevant knowledge about the concrete reality of economic practices. In the history of social economy, SI initiatives are not a recent development. However, the growing interest of the European Union, combined with the 2008 crisis, have shaped their evolution. The authors observe a shift from original views of emancipation and societal change to an entrepreneurial frame, leading to new market opportunities (chapter 2). One consequence is the instrumental use of SI initiatives as a vehicle for welfare states to experiment, and for social investors to achieve efficiently social goals. The message of the book is that SI could contribute to a societal change and a reorganisation of governance leading to societies that are more inclusive. The contributions are numerous for policymaking and academic research.



社会创新 (SI) 是重新合法化民主和福利模式的途径吗?这个问题是地方社会创新以对抗贫困和排斥的核心。本书提供了许多关于在与贫困作斗争的社会创新举措的演变治理方面的重要见解。它依赖于丰富的方法论,在欧洲(和巴西)围绕三个行动领域进行了 31 个深入的案例研究:劳动力市场、教育和住房。贡献者的社会经济团队反映了欧洲存在的不同轨迹,作为重要的多元化趋势,以便产生关于经济实践的具体现实的相关知识。在社会经济史上,SI 举措并不是最近的发展。然而,欧盟日益增长的兴趣,加上 2008 年的危机,塑造了他们的进化。作者观察到从解放和社会变革的原始观点到创业框架的转变,导致了新的市场机会(第 2 章)。一个结果是将 SI 倡议作为福利国家进行试验和社会投资者有效实现社会目标的工具的工具性使用。这本书的信息是,SI 可以促进社会变革和治理重组,从而使社会更具包容性。对政策制定和学术研究的贡献很多。一个结果是将 SI 倡议作为福利国家进行试验和社会投资者有效实现社会目标的工具的工具性使用。这本书的信息是,SI 可以促进社会变革和治理重组,从而使社会更具包容性。对政策制定和学术研究的贡献很多。一个结果是将 SI 倡议作为福利国家进行试验和社会投资者有效实现社会目标的工具的工具性使用。这本书的信息是,SI 可以促进社会变革和治理重组,从而使社会更具包容性。对政策制定和学术研究的贡献很多。