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Mining City: Potosí - Potosí: The Silver City That Changed the World. By Kris Lane. Oakland: University of California Press, 2019. Pp. 272. Illustrations. Maps. Appendix. Glossary. Notes. Bibliographical essay. Select bibliography. Index. $32.95 cloth.
The Americas ( IF 0.529 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1017/tam.2020.78
Mark Meuwese

In the last chapter, Monteiro challenges yet another myth about the bandeira leaders and their descendants. As he demonstrates, frontier bandeiras did not lead to an egalitarian society; instead, what emerged in São Paulo was great social inequality with an acute division of wealth, even within the free population, which led to rural poverty by the end of the seventeenth century. Thus, this book is more than just an ethnohistory; it is also notable for the breadth and depth of its sources and socioeconomic analysis. For readers of the Portuguese edition, this translation will be a welcome addition to an understanding of Monteiro’s classic, since the translator-editors incorporate material from his dissertation and add biographical insights. The index is also quite useful. Highly recommended for classroom use due to its readability, it is also a scholarly comparative analysis of slave societies and the formation of colonial Brazil.


矿业城市:波托西 - 波托西:改变世界的白银之城。通过克里斯莱恩。奥克兰:加州大学出版社,2019 年。Pp。272. 插图。地图。附录。词汇表。笔记。参考文献。选择参考书目。指数。布 32.95 美元。

在最后一章中,蒙泰罗挑战了另一个关于班达拉领导人及其后代的神话。正如他所展示的,边境班代拉斯并没有导致一个平等主义的社会。相反,在圣保罗出现的是严重的社会不平等,甚至在自由人口中也存在严重的财富分配问题,这导致了 17 世纪末的农村贫困。因此,这本书不仅仅是一部民族史;它还以其来源和社会​​经济分析的广度和深度而著称。对于葡萄牙语版的读者来说,这个翻译将是对蒙泰罗经典作品理解的一个受欢迎的补充,因为翻译编辑结合了他论文中的材料并添加了传记见解。索引也很有用。由于其可读性,强烈推荐用于课堂使用,