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Mexico - The Mysterious Sofía: One Woman's Mission to Save Catholicism in Twentieth-Century Mexico. By Stephen J. C. Andes. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019. Pp. 450. $65.00 cloth.
The Americas ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1017/tam.2020.130
María Luisa Ruiz

A compelling page-turner, Stephen Andes fascinating biography positions Sofía del Valle (1891–1982), the book’s protagonist, as a compelling figure whose life and life’s mission—educating young Catholic women—intersect with the social, political, and religious turmoil of postrevolutionary Mexico. Her pious activism in the support of the Instituto Superior de Cultura Femenina and its sister organization the Juventud Catòlica Feminina Mexicana—Catholic organizations dedicated to providing educational opportunities to young women—takes del Valle to Europe and the United States on a quest for financial support from international Catholic organizations. In this study, the author weaves together del Valle’s story with that of a changing Mexico and its many seminal moments, inviting the reader to join his journey through the research and writing process.


墨西哥 - 神秘的索非亚:一位女性拯救二十世纪墨西哥天主教的使命。作者:斯蒂芬 JC 安第斯。林肯:内布拉斯加大学出版社,2019 年。Pp。450. $65.00 布。

作为引人入胜的翻页者,斯蒂芬·安第斯 (Stephen Andes) 引人入胜的传记将本书的主角索菲亚·德尔·瓦莱 (Sofía del Valle,1891-1982) 定位为一个引人注目的人物,其生平和人生使命——教育年轻的天主教女性——与革命后的墨西哥。她在支持 Instituto Superior de Cultura Femenina 及其姊妹组织 Juventud Catòlica Feminina Mexicana(致力于为年轻女性提供教育机会的天主教组织)的虔诚行动中,将 del Valle 带到欧洲和美国,寻求来自国际天主教组织。在这项研究中,作者将德尔瓦勒的故事与变化中的墨西哥及其许多开创性时刻编织在一起,邀请读者加入他的研究和写作过程。