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Microwave spectro-polarimetry of matter and radiation across space and time
Experimental Astronomy ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10686-021-09721-z
Jacques Delabrouille 1, 2 , James G. Bartlett 1, 3 , Jean-Baptiste Melin 2 , Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille 2 , Vincent Revéret 2 , Louis Rodriguez 2 , Maximilian H. Abitbol 4 , David Alonso 4, 5 , Nabila Aghanim 6 , Bruno Maffei 6 , Yacine Ali-Haïmoud 7 , Mattia Negrello 5 , Marcelo Alvarez 8, 9 , Simone Ferraro 8, 9 , Anthony J. Banday 10 , Jochem Baselmans 11, 12 , Akira Endo 11, 13 , Kenichi Karatsu 11, 12 , Kaustuv Basu 14 , Jens Erler 14 , Nicholas Battaglia 15 , José Ramón Bermejo Climent 16 , Fabio Finelli 16 , Daniela Paoletti 16 , José L. Bernal 17 , Matthieu Béthermin 18 , Guilaine Lagache 18 , Boris Bolliet 19 , Jens Chluba 19 , Eleonora Di Valentino 19 , Luke Hart 19 , Andrea Ravenni 19 , Mathieu Remazeilles 19 , Aditya Rotti 19 , Matteo Bonato 20, 21 , Carlo Burigana 20 , Tiziana Trombetti 20 , Gianfranco De Zotti 21 , François R. Bouchet 22 , Suvodip Mukherjee 22 , Patrick C. Breysse 23 , Zhen-Yi Cai 24, 25 , Eugene Churazov 26, 27 , Ildar Khabibullin 26, 27 , Rashid Sunyaev 26, 27, 28 , Helmut Dannerbauer 29 , Jose-Alberto Rubiño Martin 29, 30 , Paolo De Bernardis 31, 32 , Silvia Masi 31, 32 , Francesco Piacentini 31, 32 , Emanuela Dimastrogiovanni 33 , Dale Fixsen 34 , Shaul Hanany 35 , Carlos Hernández-Monteagudo 36 , J. Colin Hill 28, 37 , Selim C. Hotinli 38 , Kirit Karkare 39 , Garrett K. Keating 40 , Alan Kogut 41 , John Mather 41 , Eric R. Switzer 41 , Kazunori Kohri 42, 43 , Ely D. Kovetz 44 , Julien Lesgourgues 45 , Mathew Madhavacheril 46 , Nazzareno Mandolesi 47, 48 , Carlos Martins 49, 50 , Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah 51, 52 , Tony Mroczkowski 53 , Daisuke Nagai 54 , Subodh P. Patil 55 , Srinivasan Raghunathan 56 , Jack Sayers 57 , Douglas Scott 58 , Joseph Silk 59, 60 , Marta Silva 61 , Tarun Souradeep 62 , Naonori Sugiyama 63 , Andrea Tartari 64 , Íñigo Zubeldia 65, 66

This paper discusses the science case for a sensitive spectro-polarimetric survey of the microwave sky. Such a survey would provide a tomographic and dynamic census of the three-dimensional distribution of hot gas, velocity flows, early metals, dust, and mass distribution in the entire Hubble volume, exploit CMB temperature and polarisation anisotropies down to fundamental limits, and track energy injection and absorption into the radiation background across cosmic times by measuring spectral distortions of the CMB blackbody emission. In addition to its exceptional capability for cosmology and fundamental physics, such a survey would provide an unprecedented view of microwave emissions at sub-arcminute to few-arcminute angular resolution in hundreds of frequency channels, a data set that would be of immense legacy value for many branches of astrophysics. We propose that this survey be carried out with a large space mission featuring a broad-band polarised imager and a moderate resolution spectro-imager at the focus of a 3.5 m aperture telescope actively cooled to about 8K, complemented with absolutely-calibrated Fourier Transform Spectrometer modules observing at degree-scale angular resolution in the 10–2000 GHz frequency range. We propose two observing modes: a survey mode to map the entire sky as well as a few selected wide fields, and an observatory mode for deeper observations of regions of specific interest.



本文讨论了对微波天空进行灵敏的光谱偏振测量的科学案例。这样的调查将提供整个哈勃体积中热气、速度流、早期金属、尘埃和质量分布的三维分布的断层扫描和动态普查,利用 CMB 温度和极化各向异性下降到基本极限,并跟踪通过测量 CMB 黑体发射的光谱失真,将能量注入和吸收到整个宇宙时代的辐射背景中。除了其在宇宙学和基础物理学方面的卓越能力之外,这样的调查还将提供前所未有的微波发射视图,在数百个频道中以亚弧分到几弧分角分辨率,一个对天体物理学的许多分支都具有巨大遗产价值的数据集。我们建议通过大型太空任务进行这项调查,该任务的特点是在 3.5 m 孔径望远镜的焦点处有一个宽带偏振成像仪和一个中等分辨率的光谱成像仪,该望远镜主动冷却至约 8K,并辅以绝对校准的傅立叶变换光谱仪在 10-2000 GHz 频率范围内以度尺度角分辨率进行观测的模块。我们提出了两种观测模式:一种用于绘制整个天空以及一些选定的广阔视野的测量模式,以及一种用于对特定感兴趣区域进行更深入观测的观测模式。5 m 孔径望远镜主动冷却至约 8K,辅以绝对校准的傅立叶变换光谱仪模块,在 10-2000 GHz 频率范围内以度尺度角分辨率进行观测。我们提出了两种观测模式:一种用于绘制整个天空以及一些选定的广阔视野的测量模式,以及一种用于对特定感兴趣区域进行更深入观测的观测模式。5 m 孔径望远镜主动冷却至约 8K,辅以绝对校准的傅立叶变换光谱仪模块,在 10-2000 GHz 频率范围内以度尺度角分辨率进行观测。我们提出了两种观测模式:一种用于绘制整个天空以及一些选定的广阔视野的测量模式,以及一种用于对特定感兴趣区域进行更深入观测的观测模式。
