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Characteristics of turbulence over the semi-fixed desert area north of Xinjiang, China
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-02 , DOI: 10.1002/esp.5182
Ali Mamtimin 1 , Yu Wang 1 , Hajigul Sayit 2 , Xing Hua Yang 1 , Fan Yang 1 , Wen Huo 1 , Chenglong Zhou 1 , Lili Jin 1

As the largest fixed and semi-fixed desert in China, the Gurbantünggüt Desert undergoes a long period of snow cover in the winter and the rapid growth of ephemeral plants in the spring, presenting obvious seasonal changes in the underlying desert surface type, which can lead to variation in the turbulence of the near-surface boundary layer turbulence over the desert. In this study, gradient tower data and eddy covariance data from 2017 were analysed to investigate the turbulence characteristics of the different surface boundary layers in the hinterland of the Gurbantünggüt Desert. The results indicate that stable atmospheric conditions in the desert occur exclusively during the early morning and at night in the desert, and the onset and duration of this stable state varies seasonally. Two regimes of intermittent turbulence occur during the night, a weak turbulent regime that occurs when the wind speed is less than the threshold and a strong turbulent regime when the wind speed exceeds the threshold, and different wind speed thresholds were observed at each level. These parameters follow a seasonal pattern of summer (July) > spring (April) > autumn (October) > winter (January) in terms of magnitude. The mean turbulence intensities of the along-wind, cross-wind and vertical wind are 0.5, 0.47 and 0.14, respectively, with Iu > Iv > Iw. The normalized standard deviation of the wind velocity components (σu, σv and σw) generally satisfies a 1/3 power-law relation. Our results show that the night-time turbulence regime classification for the Gurbantünggüt Desert strongly depends on meteorological and orographic features, and the intermittent turbulent events have the non-stationarity of the flow in common. The results can contribute to the study of land surface processes, climate change and desertification in inland arid desert areas.