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Winning megadeals: The dual role of acquirer advisors in loan-financed mergers and acquisitions
Journal of Corporate Finance ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2021.102034
Chong Chen 1 , Xueping Wu 2

Acquirer advisors now often arrange syndicated loans financing merger and acquisition deals they advise on. This paper shows that such an advisor-lender dual role facilitates valuable big-ticket deals. There is a positive announcement effect for the acquirer which also shows no systematic post-deal underperformance—dispelling concerns about the advisor abetting managerial empire building. But advisor-led syndicated loans, despite being larger in size, have higher loan spreads than those led by non-advisors. Advisors apparently have an information advantage but rent extraction is unlikely. The higher charges are justifiable in view of the significantly lower post-deal creditworthiness of dual-role bidders. Advisor-lender's superior information about adverse changes in the credit risk is rationally priced into the dual-role interest rate premium.



