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Response to Germonpré et al. “Some comments on ‘Friend or Foe? Large canid remains from Pavlovian sites and their archaeozoological context’, a paper by Wilczyński et al. (2020)”
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2021.101328
Jarosław Wilczyński 1 , Gary Haynes 2 , Łukasz Sobczyk 3 , Martina Roblíčková 4 , Piotr Wojtal 1

In the current volume of the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Germonpré et al. comment on our article “Friend or foe? Large canid remains from Pavlovian sites and their archaeozoological context” (Wilczyński et al. 2020). The authors say there are inaccuracies or errors in our paper, in an attempt to refute our rejection of the hypothesis of wolf domestication at the Předmostí site and, in broader sense, by the Pavlovian community. Here we counter allegations and in so doing clarify our arguments against wolf domestication during mid-Upper Paleolithic in Central Europe.


对 Germonpré 等人的回应。“关于‘朋友还是敌人?来自巴甫洛夫遗址及其考古学背景的大型犬科动物遗骸”,Wilczyński 等人的论文。(2020)”

在《人类学考古学杂志》的当前卷中 Germonpré 等人。评论我们的文章“朋友还是敌人?来自巴甫洛夫遗址及其考古学背景的大型犬科动物遗骸”(Wilczyński 等人,2020 年)。作者说我们的论文中存在不准确或错误,试图反驳我们拒绝在 Předmostí 遗址以及更广泛意义上的巴甫洛夫社区对狼驯化的假设。在这里,我们反驳指控,并以此澄清我们反对在旧石器时代中期在中欧驯化狼的论点。
