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Effectiveness of risk awareness perception training in dynamic simulator scenarios involving salient distractors
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2021.06.009
Sarah Yahoodik 1 , Yusuke Yamani 1

The Risk Awareness Perception Training (RAPT) has been shown to improve latent hazard anticipation in young drivers. However, previous evaluation scenarios in a driving simulator often lacked either dynamic road environment features or control for such variations. The current study investigated whether the effectiveness of RAPT persists even in the presence of dynamic and salient distractors. Twenty RAPT-trained drivers and twenty-one Placebo-trained young drivers (aged 18–21) drove through eight simulated driving scenarios with latent hazards. A pedestrian avatar served as a distractor and was placed across from the latent hazard location. In half of the scenarios, the pedestrian remained static while in the other half the pedestrian started to move, without potential interference with the driver’s travelling path, as the drivers approached the latent hazard. Consistent with previous research, RAPT-trained drivers demonstrated better latent hazard anticipation performance than Placebo-trained drivers regardless of dynamic movement of the pedestrian avatar. Additionally, RAPT-trained drivers adopted wider scanning patterns and fixated more frequently on both the latent hazard and the pedestrian compared to Placebo-trained drivers. The results imply that RAPT may protect drivers from being distracted by dynamic stimuli and allow them to scan safety–critical areas containing latent hazards. Furthermore, RAPT may not only improve tactical hazard anticipation skills, but also modal hazard anticipation skills in young drivers.



风险意识感知培训 (RAPT) 已被证明可以提高年轻驾驶员对潜在危险的预测。然而,以前驾驶模拟器中的评估场景通常缺乏动态道路环境特征或对此类变化的控制。目前的研究调查了 RAPT 的有效性是否在存在动态和显着干扰因素的情况下持续存在。20 名接受过 RAPT 培训的司机和 21 名接受过安慰剂培训的年轻司机(18-21 岁)驾驶着八个具有潜在危险的模拟驾驶场景。一个行人化身充当了分散注意力的角色,并被放置在潜在危险位置的对面。在一半的场景中,行人保持静止,而在另一半场景中,行人开始移动,不会干扰驾驶员的行驶路径,当司机接近潜在危险时。与之前的研究一致,无论行人头像的动态运动如何,RAPT 训练的驾驶员都表现出比安慰剂训练的驾驶员更好的潜在危险预测性能。此外,与接受安慰剂培训的司机相比,接受过 RAPT 培训的司机采用更广泛的扫描模式,并且更频繁地关注潜在危险和行人。结果意味着 RAPT 可以保护驾驶员免受动态刺激的干扰,并允许他们扫描包含潜在危险的安全关键区域。此外,RAPT 不仅可以提高年轻驾驶员的战术危险预测技能,还可以提高模态危险预测技能。无论行人头像的动态运动如何,RAPT 训练的驾驶员都表现出比安慰剂训练的驾驶员更好的潜在危险预测性能。此外,与接受安慰剂培训的司机相比,接受过 RAPT 培训的司机采用更广泛的扫描模式,并且更频繁地关注潜在危险和行人。结果意味着 RAPT 可以保护驾驶员免受动态刺激的干扰,并允许他们扫描包含潜在危险的安全关键区域。此外,RAPT 不仅可以提高年轻驾驶员的战术危险预测技能,还可以提高模态危险预测技能。无论行人头像的动态运动如何,RAPT 训练的驾驶员都表现出比安慰剂训练的驾驶员更好的潜在危险预测性能。此外,与接受安慰剂培训的司机相比,接受过 RAPT 培训的司机采用更广泛的扫描模式,并且更频繁地关注潜在危险和行人。结果意味着 RAPT 可以保护驾驶员免受动态刺激的干扰,并允许他们扫描包含潜在危险的安全关键区域。此外,RAPT 不仅可以提高年轻驾驶员的战术危险预测技能,还可以提高模态危险预测技能。与接受安慰剂培训的司机相比,接受过 RAPT 培训的司机采用更广泛的扫描模式,并且更频繁地关注潜在危险和行人。结果意味着 RAPT 可以保护驾驶员免受动态刺激的干扰,并允许他们扫描包含潜在危险的安全关键区域。此外,RAPT 不仅可以提高年轻驾驶员的战术危险预测技能,还可以提高模态危险预测技能。与接受安慰剂培训的司机相比,接受过 RAPT 培训的司机采用更广泛的扫描模式,并且更频繁地关注潜在危险和行人。结果意味着 RAPT 可以保护驾驶员免受动态刺激的干扰,并允许他们扫描包含潜在危险的安全关键区域。此外,RAPT 不仅可以提高年轻驾驶员的战术危险预测技能,还可以提高模态危险预测技能。
