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Working Within a System of Administrative Burden: How Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Role Perceptions Shape Access to the Promise of Higher Education
Administration & Society ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1177/00953997211027535
Elizabeth Bell 1 , Kylie Smith 2

Utilizing a statewide survey and administrative data, we explore how state-imposed burdens are translated by street-level bureaucrats (SLBs) into frontline practices that may alleviate or exacerbate onerous experiences of the administrative state. First, we find that SLBs’ role perceptions shaped not only uses of discretionary power—as either a force of client empowerment or disentitlement—but also program access. Second, we find that the local agencies with the largest proportions of income-eligible clients often had the least capacity for alleviating administrative burden, suggesting decentralization may be a mechanism by which administrative burden perpetuates structural inequality.



利用全州范围的调查和行政数据,我们探索了基层官僚 (SLB) 如何将国家强加的负担转化为可能减轻或加剧行政国家繁重经历的一线实践。首先,我们发现 SLB 的角色认知不仅塑造了自由裁量权的使用——无论是作为一种客户授权还是剥夺权利——而且还影响了程序访问。其次,我们发现,符合收入条件的客户比例最大的地方机构往往减轻行政负担的能力最弱,这表明权力下放可能是行政负担使结构性不平等长期存在的一种机制。
