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Tracing Water Masses and Assessing Boundary Scavenging Intensity With Beryllium Isotopes in the Northern South China Sea
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1029/2021jc017236
W.Y. Kong 1 , L.P. Zhou 1, 2, 3 ,

The cosmogenic radionuclide 10Be and its stable isotope 9Be can be used as a tracer for water mass mixing, but such applications are rare in both open oceans and marginal seas. Here we report distributions of dissolved 9Be and 10Be concentrations of the seawater in the surface and water columns along a section from shelf to deep basin in the northern South China Sea (SCS). The concentrations of 9Be and 10Be in surface waters range between 8.8–43.6 pmol/kg and 118–576 atoms/g, respectively. The 9Be in the northern SCS is dominantly sourced from river waters, while 10Be has a prominent input from the western Pacific, resulting in the highest 10Be/9Be ratio of 10.9 × 10−8 closest to the Luzon Strait. Along the depth section, the 9Be concentrations decrease southward while 10Be concentrations increase with the maximum value of 1,237 atoms/g occurring at 2,843 m depth of Station A10. The 10Be/9Be ratios are interpreted with consideration of water mixing and boundary scavenging, which reveal evidence of a branch of the intruding Kuroshio Current (>7.7 × 10−8) in subsurface water and a deep cyclonic current (>8.9 × 10−8). A box model yields a sedimentation flux of 10Be around 1,167 atoms/m2/s, that is, 4.6 times of the atmospheric deposition flux, pointing to active boundary scavenging of 10Be. The residence time of 10Be in the deep water is estimated to be longer than 79 years in the northern SCS. The beryllium isotopes as a water mass tracer will find wide applications in basins where the endmembers are sufficiently differentiated.



宇宙放射性核素10 Be 及其稳定同位素9 Be 可用作水团混合的示踪剂,但这种应用在公海和边缘海中都很少见。在这里,我们报告了南海北部 (SCS) 从陆架到深海盆地的剖面和水柱中海水中溶解的9 Be 和10 Be 浓度的分布。地表水中9 Be 和10 Be的浓度范围分别为 8.8-43.6 pmol/kg 和 118-576 atom/g。南海北部的9 Be 主要来自河水,而10Be 有来自西太平洋的突出输入,导致最接近吕宋海峡的10 Be/ 9 Be 比率最高,为 10.9 × 10 -8。沿深度剖面,9 Be 浓度向南降低,而10 Be 浓度增加,最大值为 1,237 atom/g,出现在 A10 站深度 2,843 m。在10 BE / 9是比被解释考虑的水混合和边界扫气,这揭示了侵入黑潮(> 7.7×10的一个分支的证据-8)在地下水和深气旋电流(> 8.9×10 -8 )。箱式模型产生的沉降通量为10 Be 大约为 1,167 原子/m 2 /s,即大气沉积通量的 4.6 倍,表明10 Be 的边界清除活跃。10 Be在南海北部的深水中停留时间估计超过79年。铍同位素作为水质量示踪剂将在端元充分分化的盆地中得到广泛应用。