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Toward a Feminist Framework for Virtual Conferencing
Comparative Education Review ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1086/710770
Kristy Kelly , Lisa Yiu , Catherine Vanner

Professional associations are embedded in and reflect the gendered and racialized structures of academia (Zippel, forthcoming). At conferences, it is not unusual to see particular men (and some women) dominate as keynote speakers, on highlighted panels, covered by social media, and in informal networking opportunities (Vanner et al. 2019). Barriers such as costs, carework responsibilities, and experiential issues such as harassment, incivility, or feelings of exclusion can exacerbate conference inequality, especially for marginalized members, and lead to members exiting the field (Biggs et al. 2018). CIES is committed to disrupting patriarchal, racist, and colonial ways of operating, so when CIES committees and SIGs were charged with rapidly moving the 2020 annual conference to a fully virtual format (vCIES), the Gender and Education Standing Committee (GEC) developed an intersectional feminist framework to guide our work. This helped us consider how overlapping and interdependent systems of disadvantage (such as race, socioeconomic positionality, age, geographic location, ability, etc.) might shape gendered conference experiences. In this essay, and in alignment with the GEC’s mandate “to foster attention to gender issues in the CIES,” we outline our framework and process, consider the number of gender-themed papers and presentations that transitioned, and reflect on what we learned.We present our learnings in an effort to inform the work of future virtual conference organizers and participants interested in applying intersectional feminist interventions to promote inclusive engagement.



专业协会嵌入并反映了学术界的性别和种族结构(Zippel,即将出版)。在会议上,经常看到特定男性(和一些女性)作为主旨发言人、突出显示的小组、社交媒体报道和非正式社交机会占主导地位(Vanner 等人,2019 年)。成本、照料责任等障碍以及骚扰、不文明或排斥感等体验问题会加剧会议不平等,尤其是对于边缘化成员而言,并导致成员退出该领域(Biggs 等人,2018 年)。CIES 致力于破坏父权制、种族主义和殖民主义的运作方式,因此当 CIES 委员会和 SIG 负责将 2020 年年会迅速转变为完全虚拟形式 (vCIES) 时,性别与教育常务委员会 (GEC) 制定了一个交叉的女权主义框架来指导我们的工作。这有助于我们考虑重叠和相互依存的不利系统(例如种族、社会经济地位、年龄、地理位置、能力等)如何影响性别会议体验。在这篇文章中,根据 GEC 的“在 CIES 中促进对性别问题的关注”的任务,我们概述了我们的框架和过程,考虑了转变的性别主题论文和演讲的数量,并反思了我们学到的东西。我们展示了我们的学习成果,旨在为未来的虚拟会议组织者和有兴趣应用交叉女权主义干预措施以促进包容性参与的参与者的工作提供信息。