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Managing the Hybrid Organization: How Can Agile and Traditional Project Management Coexist?
Research-Technology Management ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2021.1843331
Federico P. Zasa , Andrea Patrucco , Elena Pellizzoni

Abstract Overview: Agile project management aims to increase the flexibility of product development processes through increased interaction among project stakeholders. Since its introduction in the software industry 20 years ago, Agile project management has progressively spread to other contexts, even though large-scale organizations seem to struggle to switch toward Agile-only practices. In these contexts, we see an integration of the traditional Stage-Gate project management, focused on planning and validation, with Agile, focused on responsiveness and flexibility. Although it’s effective, the Agile–Stage-Gate hybrid model is not easy to adopt, as it requires a clear alignment between the project team, the organizational objectives, and the project implementation. We collected interview data from eight Agile coaches experienced in Agile implementation in non-software industries. We identified practical actions that practitioners can use to manage the challenges connected to the implementation of hybrid models. These corrective actions can be grouped at three levels: integration aspects, cultural change, and perceptions of the Agile methodology.



摘要概述:敏捷项目管理旨在通过增加项目利益相关者之间的互动来提高产品开发过程的灵活性。自从 20 年前引入软件行业以来,敏捷项目管理已逐渐扩展到其他环境,尽管大型组织似乎难以转向仅采用敏捷的实践。在这些背景下,我们看到了传​​统的 Stage-Gate 项目管理(侧重于计划和验证)与敏捷(侧重于响应性和灵活性)的集成。尽管它很有效,但敏捷-阶段-门混合模型并不容易采用,因为它需要项目团队、组织目标和项目实施之间的明确一致。我们收集了八位在非软件行业敏捷实施方面经验丰富的敏捷教练的访谈数据。我们确定了实践者可以用来管理与实施混合模型相关的挑战的实际行动。这些纠正措施可以分为三个层次:集成方面、文化变革和对敏捷方法的看法。