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Can Introducing Single-Sex Education into Low-Performing Schools Improve Academics, Arrests, and Teen Motherhood?
Journal of Human Resources ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-06 , DOI: 10.3368/jhr.56.1.0618-9558r2
C. Kirabo Jackson

In 2010, the Ministry of Education in Trinidad and Tobago converted 20 low-performing secondary schools from coeducational to single-sex. I exploit these conversions to identify the policy-relevant causal effect of introducing single-sex education into existing schools (holding other school inputs constant). After accounting for student selection, boys in single-sex cohorts at conversion schools score higher on national exams taken around age 15, both boys and girls take more advanced coursework, and girls perform better on secondary school completion exams. There are also important nonacademic effects. All-boys cohorts have fewer arrests as teens, and all-girls cohorts have lower teen pregnancy rates. Survey evidence suggests that these single-sex conversion effects reflect both direct gender peer effects, due to interactions among classmates, and indirect effects generated through changes in teacher behavior.



2010 年,特立尼达和多巴哥教育部将 20 所表现不佳的中学从男女同校转变为单性别中学。我利用这些转换来确定将单性别教育引入现有学校(保持其他学校投入不变)的政策相关因果效应。考虑到学生选择后,转校的单性别男孩在 15 岁左右参加的全国考试中得分更高,男孩和女孩都参加更高级的课程,女孩在中学毕业考试中表现更好。还有一些重要的非学术影响。全男孩群体在青少年时期被捕的人数较少,而全女孩群体的青少年怀孕率较低。调查证据表明,由于同学之间的互动,这些单一性别转换效应反映了直接的性别同伴效应,