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Still We Resist: Reflections on Our Tenure as Editors-in-Chief
Affilia ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-18 , DOI: 10.1177/0886109920965287
Yoosun Park 1 , Rupaleem Bhuyan 2 , Stéphanie Wahab 3

On December 14 of this year, we will conclude our tenure as editors-in-chief of Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work. In pondering this, our last editorial, we have been reflecting on those tumultuous years under the Trump presidency, a time during which some of our worst fears for the political landscape of the United States have come to fruition, and the centuries-deep wounds of systemic inequalities in our communities have been once again laid bare. The past few months of the pandemic have simultaneously isolated us from family, friends, and colleagues while requiring us to provide unparalleled levels of support and care for them. The continued killing of black, brown, and Indigenous bodies at the hands of the police has incensed us, even as we were heartened by the global masses who rose up against such injustices, all the while grappling with the financial, physical, and emotional wreckages wrought by the pandemic. The terrifying storms, floods, and fires that have become commonplace in many regions of the world are insistent reminders of an apocalyptic climate crisis whose effects also, predictably, land most heavily upon those same marginalized bodies and communities (Bhuyan et al., 2019). The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, which reached us in the midst of writing this editorial just weeks before another U.S. presidential election, came to us as a blow to the solar plexus. We had not realized how much we had relied on her embattled body and the towering feminist judicial mind it housed to persist as bulwark against at least some of the rising tides of violence continuously encroaching upon our own gendered and racialized selves. The past four years have been a time of learning for us and growth for the journal. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to put into practice our conviction that feminist—that is critical— scholarship that generate alternative forms of knowledge and contest entrenched and dominant narratives is necessary for social work (Park, Wahab, & Bhuyan, 2017). We have endeavored to create a space for more radical epistemological and methodological inquiry. We encouraged authors to develop their attention to intersectionality, deepen their understanding of feminist theories and their relationship to social work, and integrate theorized critique in all research, no matter the



今年 12 月 14 日,我们将结束我们作为 Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work 主编的任期。在思考这一点时,我们的最后一篇社论,我们一直在反思特朗普总统任期内那些动荡的岁月,在此期间,我们对美国政治格局的一些最严重的担忧已经实现,以及数百年的深刻创伤我们社区中的系统性不平等再次暴露无遗。过去几个月的大流行使我们与家人、朋友和同事隔离开来,同时要求我们为他们提供无与伦比的支持和关怀。警察继续杀害黑人、棕色人和土著人的尸体激怒了我们,尽管我们为反对这种不公正行为的全球群众感到振奋,一直在努力应对大流行造成的财务、身体和情感上的残骸。可怕的风暴、洪水和火灾在世界许多地区变得司空见惯,不断提醒人们世界末日的气候危机,可以预见,其影响也最严重地落在这些边缘化机构和社区(Bhuyan 等人,2019 年) . 就在另一次美国总统大选前几周,我们正在撰写这篇社论时得知 Ruth Bader Ginsberg 法官的去世,这对我们来说是对太阳神经丛的打击。我们没有意识到我们是多么依赖她四面楚歌的身体和它所容纳的高耸的女权主义司法思想,作为抵御至少一些不断侵蚀我们自己的性别和种族自我的暴力浪潮的堡垒。过去四年对我们来说是学习和期刊成长的时期。我们很高兴有机会将我们的信念付诸实践,即产生替代知识形式和竞争根深蒂固的主导叙事的女权主义(即批判性)奖学金是社会工作所必需的(Park、Wahab 和 Bhuyan,2017 年)。我们努力为更激进的认识论和方法论探究创造一个空间。我们鼓励作者关注交叉性,加深他们对女权主义理论及其与社会工作关系的理解,并将理论批判纳入所有研究,无论是 我们很高兴有机会将我们的信念付诸实践,即产生替代知识形式和竞争根深蒂固的主导叙事的女权主义(即批判性)奖学金是社会工作所必需的(Park、Wahab 和 Bhuyan,2017 年)。我们努力为更激进的认识论和方法论探究创造一个空间。我们鼓励作者关注交叉性,加深他们对女权主义理论及其与社会工作关系的理解,并将理论批判纳入所有研究,无论是 我们很高兴有机会将我们的信念付诸实践,即产生替代知识形式和竞争根深蒂固的主导叙事的女权主义(即批判性)奖学金是社会工作所必需的(Park、Wahab 和 Bhuyan,2017 年)。我们努力为更激进的认识论和方法论探究创造一个空间。我们鼓励作者关注交叉性,加深他们对女权主义理论及其与社会工作关系的理解,并将理论批判纳入所有研究,无论是 我们努力为更激进的认识论和方法论探究创造一个空间。我们鼓励作者关注交叉性,加深他们对女权主义理论及其与社会工作关系的理解,并将理论批判纳入所有研究,无论是 我们努力为更激进的认识论和方法论探究创造一个空间。我们鼓励作者关注交叉性,加深他们对女权主义理论及其与社会工作关系的理解,并将理论批判纳入所有研究,无论是