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Facial Attractiveness of the Sisters of Istmo Zapotec Men and Muxes: Implications for the Evolution of Male Androphilia
Journal of Sex Research ( IF 4.453 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2021.1943737
Francisco R Gómez Jiménez 1 , Paul L Vasey 1


Research shows that the female relatives of androphilic (i.e., sexually attracted to adult males) males have more children than the female relatives of gynephilic (i.e., sexually attracted to adult females) males. The mechanisms by which this occurs are unclear. The hypergyny hypothesis suggests that the female relatives of androphilic males have elevated attractiveness which allows them to obtain male partners with higher socioeconomic status, which in turn, provide them with more resources to produce and sustain multiple offspring. We tested whether the female kin of male androphiles are characterized by elevated attractiveness compared to the female kin of male gynephiles. The research was conducted among the Istmo Zapotec from Oaxaca, Mexico, where androphilic males are recognized as a third gender, muxes. We recruited 115 gynephilic men who rated the facial attractiveness of 27 women with at least one muxe sibling and 27 women with only gynephilic male siblings (i.e., control sisters). The results showed that gynephilic men found the faces of control sisters more attractive than the faces of muxe sisters. This finding is inconsistent with the hypergyny hypothesis and suggests that elevated facial attractiveness is not the mechanism by which the female relatives of androphilic males achieve elevated reproduction.


Istmo Zapotec Men 和 Muxes 姐妹的面部吸引力:对男性恋物癖进化的影响


研究表明,男性的女性亲属(即,对成年男性有性吸引力)的女性亲属比男性的女性亲属(即,对成年女性的性吸引力)的女性亲属有更多的孩子。发生这种情况的机制尚不清楚。hypergyny假设表明,男性的女性亲属具有更高的吸引力,这使他们能够获得具有更高社会经济地位的男性伴侣,这反过来又为他们提供了更多的资源来生产和维持多个后代。我们测试了男性嗜男癖的女性亲属与男性女同性恋者的女性亲属相比是否具有更高的吸引力。这项研究是在来自墨西哥瓦哈卡的 Istmo Zapotec 中进行的,那里的男性被认为是第三性别,muxes. 我们招募了 115 名男性,他们对 27 名至少有一个muxe兄弟姐妹的女性和 27 名只有男性兄弟姐妹(即对照姐妹)的女性的面部吸引力进行了评分。结果表明,有女性倾向的男性发现控制姐妹的脸比muxe姐妹的脸更有吸引力。这一发现与hypergyny假设不一致,并表明面部吸引力的提高并不是男性的女性亲属实现繁殖提高的机制。
