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Re-examining stone circles in Dorset: the results of recent research and non-intrusive surveys at Kingston Russell stone circle
Archaeological Journal ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00665983.2021.1920236
Jim Rylatt , Anne Teather , Rebecca Pullen , Jodie Pinnell 1 , Sam Randall 1 , Hayley Roberts 1 , Andrew Chamberlain 2


The Kingston Russell stone circle on Tenants Hill is the largest preserved stone circle in Dorset. Since the Piggotts’ summary of the stone and earth circles in Dorset, a great deal has changed in our perceptions and dating of these types of monuments in Britain, but there has been little further research into the stone circles of Dorset. The community archaeology company Past Participate has been working on Tenants Hill since 2018, and this paper reports on our historical and archaeological research on stone circles in south Dorset, and our non-invasive surveys of the Kingston Russell stone circle. We have increased the corpus of potential stone circles in this area to 14, with the majority of these having been destroyed in the last few hundred years. We argue that the landscape placement of the Kingston Russell stone circle has contributed to its survival.




租户山上的金斯顿罗素石圈是多塞特保存下来的最大的石圈。自从皮戈特夫妇对多塞特的石圈和土圈进行总结后,我们对英国这类纪念碑的看法和年代发生了很大变化,但对多塞特的石圈几乎没有进一步的研究。社区考古公司 Past Participate 自 2018 年以来一直在租户山工作,本文报告了我们对南多塞特郡石圈的历史和考古研究,以及我们对金斯顿罗素石圈的非侵入性调查。我们已将这一地区的潜在石阵语料库增加到 14 个,其中大部分已在过去几百年中被摧毁。
