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Female farm holding in Botswana's agriculture industry
Agrekon ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03031853.2021.1940222
Odile Mackett 1


In the Botswana Labour Force Survey, agriculture was identified as the fastest growing employing industry with growth mainly driven by the entrance of women into the industry. As such, the purpose of the study was thus to investigate how the demographic profile of farm holders have changed in Botswana over time. Using Agricultural Survey Reports, the paper descriptively analyses changes in the gender and age composition of farm holders in Botswana. The study found that the industry has in fact employed a larger share of women, but that the movement of women into the industry was still largely dependent on those of men. This is evident in the fact that the share of married male and female farmers move in opposite directions. It also found that during times of distress women's share as farmers increased. The movement of men and women in the industry indicates that policies which have historically been geared towards the needs and characteristics of male farmers and their households may require gender mainstreaming to accommodate female farmers and their households. This paper opens up a debate around gendered social assistance which accommodates women not just as ordinary household members, but more specifically farmers.




