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Model-independent extraction of the proton charge radius from PRad data
Modern Physics Letters A ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-02 , DOI: 10.1142/s0217732321501431
Gil Paz 1

The proton radius puzzle has motivated several new experiments that aim to extract the proton charge radius and resolve the puzzle. Recently, PRad, a new electron–proton scattering experiment at Jefferson Lab, reported a proton charge radius of 0.831 ± 0.007statistical ± 0.012systematic. The value was obtained by using a rational function model for the proton electric form factor. We perform a model-independent extraction using z-expansion of the proton charge radius from PRad data. We find that the model-independent statistical error is more than 50% larger compared to the statistical error reported by PRad.


从 PRad 数据中独立提取质子电荷半径

质子半径之谜激发了几个旨在提取质子电荷半径并解决难题的新实验。最近,杰斐逊实验室的一项新的电子-质子散射实验 PRad 报告了质子电荷半径为0.831 ± 0.007统计 ± 0.012系统的. 该值是通过使用质子电形状因子的有理函数模型获得的。我们使用与模型无关的提取z- 来自 PRad 数据的质子电荷半径的扩展。我们发现与 PRad 报告的统计误差相比,与模型无关的统计误差要大 50% 以上。