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4 As: A Discussion of How Institutions of Higher Education Respond to Incidents Related to Culture, Diversity, and Equity
Multicultural Perspectives ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15210960.2020.1792299
Natasha Thornton 1 , Megan Adams 1 , Ann Bennett 1 , Marrielle Myers 1 , Scott Ritchie 1 , Sanjuana Rodriguez 1

In this article, we offer an analysis of how institutions of higher education have responded to occurrences related to racism in educational contexts and the larger society. Since the initial drafting of this manuscript, continued police brutality and racially motivated tragedies have prompted protests and uprising across the US and the world, specifically after the killings of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Breona Taylor in Kentucky, and George Floyd in Minnesota. This social unrest reflects the ways in which people respond when enough is enough. In addition, a number of schools across the P-20 landscape are engaging in discussions around equity and racism and responding in ways that address racist systems and policies. We conclude this article with a discussion of what institutions of higher education should aspire to in order to humanize the educational contexts for a more equitable and anti-racist society. We hope this discussion around past incidents provide a lens of possibilities for meaningful change; because as we knew when writing the initial draft, and as we still know, lives depend on it.


4 As:关于高等教育机构如何应对与文化、多样性和公平相关的事件的讨论

在本文中,我们分析了高等教育机构如何应对教育环境和更大社会中与种族主义相关的事件。自最初起草这份手稿以来,持续的警察暴行和出于种族动机的悲剧引发了美国和世界各地的抗议和起义,特别是在乔治亚州的艾哈迈德·阿伯里、肯塔基州的布蕾娜·泰勒和明尼苏达州的乔治·弗洛伊德被杀之后。这种社会动荡反映了人们在足够的时候做出反应的方式。此外,P-20 领域的许多学校正在围绕公平和种族主义进行讨论,并以解决种族主义制度和政策的方式做出回应。我们在结束本文时讨论了高等教育机构应该追求什么,以便使教育环境人性化,以建立一个更加公平和反种族主义的社会。我们希望围绕过去事件的讨论为有意义的改变提供了一个可能性;因为正如我们在撰写初稿时所知道的那样,而且我们仍然知道,生命依赖于它。