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Localized Development Gaps in Global Governance: The Case of Disaster Risk Reduction in Oceania
Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-19 , DOI: 10.1163/19426720-02301010
Simon Hollis

Global framework agreements on disaster risk reduction aim to reduce the vulnerability of states from the effects of natural hazards and guide international development strategies. The effects of these agreements have surely saved lives and buffered shocks to economic systems. Yet there remains a gap between global aims and envisioned outcomes in local communities. This article argues that cultural determinants of risk, which shape the reception and translation of ideas on DRR, must be taken seriously if international organizations wish to enhance their efficacy and reduce vulnerability. Elucidating the importance that indigenous practices of resilience, time, and governance have for the global diffusion of DRR can help to reduce this gap and encourage more effective development policy in the future.



关于减少灾害风险的全球框架协议旨在降低各国对自然灾害影响的脆弱性,并指导国际发展战略。这些协议的效果无疑挽救了生命并缓冲了对经济体系的冲击。然而,全球目标与当地社区的预期成果之间仍然存在差距。本文认为,如果国际组织希望提高效率并降低脆弱性,就必须认真对待风险的文化决定因素,这些因素影响减灾思想的接受和转化。阐明复原力、时间和治理的本土实践对 DRR 全球传播的重要性,有助于缩小这一差距并鼓励未来制定更有效的发展政策。