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Generation covid: Experiences of the coronavirus pandemic among secondary school graduates of 2020 in Ireland
Cogent Education ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-30 , DOI: 10.1080/2331186x.2021.1947014
Ayeshah Émon 1 , Jo Greene 2 , Virpi Timonen 2


School closures and remote learning resulted in major disruptions for final-year secondary school students who were due to take their examinations in June 2020. Using the Constructivist-Grounded Theory method, we conducted 14 in-depth interviews to gain insight into the impact of the coronavirus restrictions on the lives, education and plans of graduating secondary school students in Ireland. While participant responses to the pandemic were diverse, they can be categorised as those who were shielded against negative implications of the pandemic; those who struggled with worry and uncertainty; and those who became discontent as they awakened to the shortcoming of policymaking. Instead of assuming uniform effects of the pandemic in young populations, we need to be attuned to the diverse pathways whereby some young adults can tap into their resources (including creativity and social networks) while others need extensive support to make up for lost opportunities and isolation that ensued from the pandemic.


Covid 一代:爱尔兰 2020 年中学毕业生冠状病毒大流行的经历


学校停课和远程学习导致原定于 2020 年 6 月参加考试的最后一年的中学生受到严重干扰。我们使用建构主义扎根理论方法进行了 14 次深度访谈,以深入了解冠状病毒对爱尔兰即将毕业的中学生的生活、教育和计划的限制。虽然参与者对大流行的反应各不相同,但他们可以归类为那些不受大流行负面影响的人;那些在忧虑和不确定中挣扎的人;以及那些因为意识到政策制定的缺点而变得不满的人。与其假设大流行对年轻人的影响是一致的,
