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“A Space Where Queer Is Normalized”: The Online World and Fanfictions as Heterotopias for WLW
Journal of Homosexuality ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-29 , DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2021.1940012
Anna Llewellyn 1


In the current society, the online and fictional worlds are important spaces for both the identity construction and wellbeing of LGBTQ people. Connecting these spaces are fandoms (and fanfictions), which can operate as places of resistance for marginalized groups. Through the collection of survey data completed by 79 women loving women (WLW), this study therefore asks, in what ways does the online world, particularly in relation to fandoms, open up spaces for WLW. Employing a Foucauldian analysis, findings suggest communities online are crucial for affirmative support, and fanfictions are places where queerness is normalized. As such, through the displacement of time and space, online spaces (and particularly fanfictions) operate as heterotopias that significantly disrupt normative societal discourses. Accordingly, empathetic communities and the normal queer are notably absent from many WLW’s physical worlds. However, caution is urged as these results are less clear for women of color.


“酷儿被规范化的空间”:网络世界和同人小说作为 WLW 的异托邦


在当前社会中,网络和虚构世界是 LGBTQ 人身份建构和幸福的重要空间。连接这些空间的是同人圈(和同人小说),它们可以作为边缘群体的抵抗场所。因此,通过收集 79 位爱女性 (WLW) 完成的调查数据,本研究询问,网络世界以何种方式,尤其是与粉丝相关的领域,为 WLW 开辟空间。采用福柯式的分析,调查结果表明在线社区对于平权支持至关重要,而同人小说是酷儿正常化的地方。因此,通过时间和空间的置换,网络空间(尤其是同人小说)作为异托邦运作,极大地扰乱了规范的社会话语。因此,许多 WLW 的物理世界中明显缺乏善解人意的社区和正常的酷儿。然而,由于这些结果对于有色人种女性来说不太清楚,因此需要谨慎。
