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The Econometrics Journal ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-29 , DOI: 10.1093/ectj/utab017
AbbringManaging editor J.

The 2019 Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society, held at the University of Warwick from 15 to 17 April, was a particularly exciting one for The Econometrics Journal. James Heckman inaugurated the Sargan lecture under a new remit formally associating it with the journal. The conference also featured a Special Session on Econometrics of Panel Data, with contributions by Iván Fernández-Val and Bo Honoré, and the award of the 2018 Denis Sargan Econometrics Prize to Vincent Boucher and Ismael Mourifié. In this issue, we report on and celebrate these events by publishing both the 2019 Sargan lecture and the two articles resulting from the Special Session.



皇家经济学会 2019 年年会于 4 月 15 日至 17 日在华威大学举行,对《计量经济学杂志》来说尤其令人兴奋。詹姆斯·赫克曼 (James Heckman) 在新的职权范围内开启了 Sargan 讲座,并将其与期刊正式联系起来。会议还举办了面板数据计量经济学特别会议,由 Iván Fernández-Val 和 Bo Honoré 贡献,2018 年 Denis Sargan 计量经济学奖授予 Vincent Boucher 和 Ismael Mourifié。在本期中,我们通过发布 2019 年 Sargan 演讲和特别会议产生的两篇文章来报道和庆祝这些事件。