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Can confined mechanical metamaterials replace adhesives?
Extreme Mechanics Letters ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eml.2021.101411
Adrianos E.F. Athanasiadis , Marcelo A. Dias , Michal K. Budzik

The subject of mechanical metamaterials has been gaining significant attention, however, their widespread application is still halted. Such materials are usually considered as stand-alone, vis-à-vis all characteristic length scales being associated solely with geometry of material itself. In this work we propose novel application of mechanical metamaterials as interface regions joining two materials with potential of replacing bulk adhesives. This idea leads into paradigm shifts for both metamaterials and adhesive joints. In specific, we outline methodology for testing and evaluating confined lattice materials within fracture mechanics framework. The theoretical and numerical approaches are inter-winded, revealing a set of critical parameters that needs to be considered during design process. Lattices that are stretching and bending dominated are explored and failure maps are proposed, indicating susceptibility to a certain failure mode depending on level of confinement and characteristic dimension of each lattice’s unit cells.



