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Meteorological forecasting and artisanal fishing: Filling knowledge gaps for safety at sea
Environmental Science & Policy ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2021.06.020
Lázaro Dias Alves , Ana Paula Madeira Di Beneditto , Valéria da Silva Quaresma , Camilah Antunes Zappes

Marine artisanal fishing is a risky activity due to the use of small vessels subjected to meteorological conditions. The aim of the present study is thus to investigate whether the language used by official Brazilian forecasting institutes is understood by artisanal fishermen in the northern area of the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil and to propose a better use of forecasts by the fishing community. From June to August 2018, we performed 80 interviews with artisanal fishermen by showing them a meteogram containing forecasting data of interest as well as visiting 18 vessels. Fishermen (97.5 %; n = 78) could not interpret the meteogram, probably due to the technical language used by the official institutes. On their websites, we identified 1) strengths – the use of ludic drawings (sun, clouds, and waves); 2) weaknesses – the use of graphics, tables and captions only understandable to highly educated participants; a unit of measurement (m/s) not used by fishermen; and captions and figures of reduced size, hindering their legibility among those with vision problems. Fishermen obtain forecasting data mainly from traditional knowledge (85 %; n = 68), and few vessels (n = 11) obtain these data via VHF radio (very high frequency). Public policies aimed at data distribution in accessible language must be implemented to contribute to fishermen’s welfare. This approach can in turn prevent boat accidents and strengthen actions to find victims on the Brazilian coast and in other regions of the world.



由于使用受气象条件影响的小型船只,海洋手工捕鱼是一项危险的活动。因此,本研究的目的是调查巴西东南部里约热内卢州北部地区的手工渔民是否理解巴西官方预报机构使用的语言,并建议渔业界更好地利用预报. 从 2018 年 6 月到 8 月,我们对手工渔民进行了 80 次采访,向他们展示了包含感兴趣的预测数据的气象图,并访问了 18 艘船只。渔民 (97.5 %; n = 78) 无法解释气象图,可能是由于官方机构使用的技术语言。在他们的网站上,我们确定了 1) 优势——使用了嬉戏的绘画(太阳、云和波浪);2) 弱点——图形、表格和标题的使用只有受过高等教育的参与者才能理解;渔民不使用的测量单位(m/s);和缩小尺寸的标题和数字,阻碍了它们在有视力问题的人中的易读性。渔民主要从传统知识中获取预测数据(85%;n=68),很少有船只(n=11)获得这些数据通过VHF 无线电(非常高频)。必须实施旨在以无障碍语言分发数据的公共政策,以促进渔民的福利。这种方法反过来可以防止船只事故并加强在巴西海岸和世界其他地区寻找受害者的行动。
