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Development of young mixed Norway spruce and Scots pine stands with juvenile stand management in Finland
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-29 , DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2021.1936155
Simone Bianchi 1 , Saija Huuskonen 1 , Jari Hynynen 1 , Teppo Oijala 2 , Jouni Siipilehto 1 , Timo Saksa 1


In Fennoscandia, mixtures of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) are of increasing interest, since they may deliver simultaneously a wide variety of benefits. However, there is still lack of information on how young mixed stands in managed production forests would develop under even-aged management with artificial regeneration of spruce. We inventoried ten such stands (age range: 8–26), with soil properties, tree characteristics, and locations recorded in three plots. In each plot, five sample trees of both species were selected, and their past diameter and height growth were reconstructed through stem analysis. We compared species-specific mean stand parameters, and we modeled the individual tree growth. Spruce and pine had reached similar mean size, with only slight differences. The spatial distribution of the two species was even across the plots. Only 8% and 1%, respectively, of the total pine and spruce trees were damaged, with browsing the most common damage cause (62% for pine). The modeling results suggest that pine had only a small competitive advantage on spruce, and less so in higher fertility sites. Our observations showed that it is possible to develop single-storied pine–spruce mixture with the help of careful management.




在 Fennoscandia,挪威云杉 ( Picea abies Karst.) 和苏格兰松 ( Pinus sylvestrisL.) 的兴趣越来越大,因为它们可以同时提供多种好处。然而,仍然缺乏关于在人工更新云杉的均龄管理下管理生产林中的年轻混合林分如何发展的信息。我们盘点了 10 个这样的林分(年龄范围:8-26 岁),在三个地块中记录了土壤特性、树木特征和位置。在每个小区中,选择两个物种的5个样本树,并通过茎分析重建它们的过去直径和高度增长。我们比较了特定物种的平均林分参数,并对单个树木的生长进行了建模。云杉和松树达到了相似的平均尺寸,只是略有不同。这两个物种的空间分布是均匀的。分别只有 8% 和 1%,的松树和云杉树受损,其中最常见的损坏原因是松树(松树为 62%)。建模结果表明,松树对云杉的竞争优势很小,而在高肥力地区则更小。我们的观察表明,在精心管理的帮助下,可以开发单层松-云杉混合物。
