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Safe in the City? Negotiating safety, public space and the male gaze in Kolkata, India
Cities ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2021.103321
Sanghamitra Roy , Ajay Bailey

Negotiating public spaces to reach their destinations is an everyday struggle for women in India. Indian cities have witnessed a considerable increase in crimes against women, compelling women to avoid or minimize their use of public spaces. This study aims to understand how people and their actions in public spaces shape perceptions of safety amongst women, and how women negotiate public spaces to avoid such incidents of harassment. This study comprising of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews was carried out in Kolkata, India. Visual surveys were conducted to spatially contextualize the narratives from the participants. The data were thereafter transcribed, coded, and analyzed. The study finds that the following elements negatively impact women's perceptions of safety: ‘male gaze’; negative personality traits, appearances, and behavior of men; presence of middle-aged men and strangers; cultural differences; and places that reported repeated occurrences of harassment. Lively spaces and busy roads on the other hand where daily commuters, hawkers, shopkeepers are engaged in purposeful activities are perceived as safe by women. Women make constant efforts to negotiate unsafe conditions in public spaces through avoidance, protection, and prevention. Most women tend to internalize the process of negotiation than to reclaim their rights to public spaces. Younger women, however, tend to step forward and confront their harassers. The findings of this study can help planners and policy makers co-create safer public spaces for women and facilitate their right to the city.



协商公共空间以到达目的地是印度女性的日常斗争。印度城市目睹了针对女性的犯罪率显着增加,迫使女性避免或尽量减少使用公共空间。本研究旨在了解人们及其在公共场所的行为如何影响女性对安全的看法,以及女性如何在公共场所谈判以避免此类骚扰事件。这项由焦点小组讨论和深入访谈组成的研究是在印度加尔各答进行的。进行了视觉调查,以在空间上将参与者的叙述置于语境中。此后,数据被转录、编码和分析。研究发现,以下因素会对女性的安全感产生负面影响:“男性凝视”;消极的人格特质、外表、和男人的行为;中年男子和陌生人的存在;文化差异; 以及重复发生骚扰事件的地方。另一方面,女性认为日常通勤者、小贩、店主从事有目的的活动的热闹空间和繁忙道路是安全的。妇女不断努力通过避免、保护和预防来协商公共场所的不安全条件。大多数女性倾向于将谈判过程内在化,而不是重新获得公共空间的权利。然而,年轻女性往往会挺身而出,直面骚扰她们的人。这项研究的结果可以帮助规划者和政策制定者共同为女性创造更安全的公共空间,并促进她们的城市权利。以及重复发生骚扰事件的地方。另一方面,女性认为日常通勤者、小贩、店主从事有目的的活动的热闹空间和繁忙道路是安全的。妇女不断努力通过避免、保护和预防来协商公共场所的不安全条件。大多数女性倾向于将谈判过程内在化,而不是重新获得公共空间的权利。然而,年轻女性往往会挺身而出,直面骚扰她们的人。这项研究的结果可以帮助规划者和政策制定者共同为女性创造更安全的公共空间,并促进她们的城市权利。以及重复发生骚扰事件的地方。另一方面,女性认为日常通勤者、小贩、店主从事有目的的活动的热闹空间和繁忙道路是安全的。妇女不断努力通过避免、保护和预防来协商公共场所的不安全条件。大多数女性倾向于将谈判过程内在化,而不是重新获得公共空间的权利。然而,年轻女性往往会挺身而出,直面骚扰她们的人。这项研究的结果可以帮助规划者和政策制定者共同为女性创造更安全的公共空间,并促进她们的城市权利。妇女不断努力通过避免、保护和预防来协商公共场所的不安全条件。大多数女性倾向于将谈判过程内在化,而不是重新获得公共空间的权利。然而,年轻女性往往会挺身而出,直面骚扰她们的人。这项研究的结果可以帮助规划者和政策制定者共同为女性创造更安全的公共空间,并促进她们的城市权利。妇女不断努力通过避免、保护和预防来协商公共场所的不安全条件。大多数女性倾向于将谈判过程内在化,而不是重新获得公共空间的权利。然而,年轻女性往往会挺身而出,直面骚扰她们的人。这项研究的结果可以帮助规划者和政策制定者共同为女性创造更安全的公共空间,并促进她们的城市权利。
