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Shifting neighborhoods, shifting health: A longitudinal analysis of gentrification and health in Los Angeles County
Social Science Research ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102603
Chinyere O Agbai 1

Gentrification is characterized by an influx of capital, built environment upgrades, and physical and social displacement of residents and institutions. The numerous, relatively rapid transitions that occur during gentrification make accounting for duration of exposure to gentrification particularly important when exploring its relationship to health. Though a large literature explores how timing and duration of exposure to relatively stable neighborhood conditions are linked to health, little is known about how exposure to gentrification is linked to the health of longtime residents. Using restricted, longitudinal data from the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey, I ask (1) how is duration of exposure to gentrification linked to the self-reported health of those who remain in the neighborhood? (2) How does this relationship vary for members of different racial and ethnic groups? Results indicate that the longer an individual lives in a gentrifying neighborhood, the better their self-reported health. The results do not vary by race or ethnicity. The results of this study are not an endorsement of the use of gentrification as a public health intervention, as previous work finds that gentrification can also be associated with social, physical, and institutional displacement. Instead, findings reiterate the importance of neighborhood investments for the health and well-being of their residents over time.



绅士化的特点是资本涌入、建筑环境升级以及居民和机构的物质和社会流离失所。在高档化过程中发生的众多相对快速的转变使得在探索高档化与健康的关系时,考虑高档化的持续时间尤为重要。尽管大量文献探讨了接触相对稳定的社区条件的时间和持续时间如何与健康相关,但人们对接触高档化如何与长期居民的健康联系知之甚少。使用来自洛杉矶家庭和社区调查的受限纵向数据,我问(1)接触高档化的持续时间与那些留在附近的人自我报告的健康状况有何关系?(2) 这种关系对于不同种族和族裔群体的成员有何不同?结果表明,一个人在高档社区居住的时间越长,他们自我报告的健康状况就越好。结果不因种族或民族而异。这项研究的结果并不支持将高档化用作公共卫生干预措施,因为之前的工作发现高档化也可能与社会、身体和机构流离失所有关。相反,调查结果重申了社区投资对居民健康和福祉的重要性。
