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Seed source and greenhouse preconditioning effects on the survival and growth of two common Piedmont wetland restoration tree species
New forests ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s11056-021-09861-2
Jason K. Steele , John R. Seiler , W. Michael Aust

Flood tolerance and growth rate of seedlings are often deciding criteria for wetland and riparian restoration plantings; however, these efforts often result in inadequate survival and growth of planted tree species. In an attempt to determine if parental seed source ecotype and seedling greenhouse preconditioning could influence survival and growth of two common restoration tree species, seeds from American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) and willow oak (Quercus phellos L.) were collected from upland and floodplain sites in the Piedmont and Ridge and Valley regions of Virginia and were subjected to greenhouse flooding and drought preconditioning prior to field planting. American sycamore seedlings grown under normal conditions were 15 % shorter than seedlings subjected to flood preconditioning but had 13 % greater height than drought preconditioned seedlings. Preconditioning did not have a significant effect on willow oak seedling height. American sycamore seedlings sourced from dry ecotypes were 14 % taller than seedlings sourced from wet ecotypes, while willow oak seedlings sourced from wet ecotypes were 11 % taller than dry ecotype acorns. Seedlings from dry ecotype parents for American sycamore and seedlings from wet ecotype parents for willow oak may increase survival and growth of these species on marginal Piedmont agricultural sites. Adaptations observed after greenhouse preconditioning did not increase survivability or growth. Selection of seed sources from trees that exhibit good growth and vigor in landscape settings similar to the restoration area may increase the likelihood of meeting restoration goals and objectives.



幼苗的耐旱性和生长速度通常是湿地和河岸恢复种植的决定标准;然而,这些努力往往导致种植树种的存活和生长不足。试图确定亲本种子源生态型和幼苗温室预处理是否会影响两种常见恢复树种的存活和生长,即来自美国梧桐 ( Platanus occidentalis L.) 和柳栎 ( Quercus phellos) 的种子L.) 采集自弗吉尼亚州皮埃蒙特、山脊和山谷地区的高地和洪泛区,并在大田种植前进行温室洪水和干旱预处理。在正常条件下生长的美国梧桐树苗比经过洪水预处理的树苗矮 15%,但比经过干旱预处理的树苗高 13%。预处理对柳栎幼苗高度没有显着影响。来自干燥生态型的美国梧桐树苗比来自湿生态型的树苗高 14%,而来自湿生态型的柳橡树苗比干燥生态型的橡子高 11%。来自美国梧桐的干燥生态型亲本的幼苗和柳橡树的湿生态型亲本的幼苗可能会增加这些物种在皮埃蒙特边缘农业地点的存活和生长。温室预处理后观察到的适应并没有增加生存能力或生长。从在与恢复区域相似的景观环境中表现出良好生长和活力的树木中选择种子来源可能会增加实现恢复目标的可能性。
