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Aspects on cultivation of vegetable soybean in Sweden – cultivars, soil requirements, inoculation and nitrogen contribution
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-29 , DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2021.1945138
Fredrik Fogelberg 1 , Anna M. Mårtensson 1


Background. Global soybean production is expected to double in the coming decades, driven by a request for animal feed to meet increasing meat consumption. Demand for locally produced food and feed is also increasing, making it interesting to explore the potential for soybean production in high-latitude regions. Scope. To present information on the potential for cultivating vegetable soybean, edamame, under cold-temperate conditions. Conclusions. For the successful establishment, sowing at low soil temperatures should be avoided. Commercial inoculants are effective, irrespective of soybean cultivar. There is no need to re-inoculate fields if the crop has been included in the crop rotation. Little nitrogen remains in the soil after harvest, resulting in a low risk of leaching but a need for nitrogen fertilisation of the following crop. Suitable vegetable soybean cultivars are available on the market and are preferred compared to cultivars intended for dry harvest. The cropping system needs to be improved, e.g. by moderating the microclimate by plastic tunnels, in order to secure harvest.




背景。由于对动物饲料的需求以满足不断增长的肉类消费需求,预计未来几十年全球大豆产量将翻一番。对当地生产的食品和饲料的需求也在增加,因此探索高纬度地区大豆生产的潜力很有趣。范围。提供有关在冷温带条件下种植蔬菜大豆毛豆的潜力的信息。结论. 为了成功建立,应避免在低土壤温度下播种。无论大豆品种如何,商业接种剂都是有效的。如果作物已包括在轮作中,则无需重新接种田地。收获后土壤中几乎没有氮残留,导致浸出的风险较低,但需要对下一作物施氮肥。市场上可以买到合适的蔬菜大豆品种,与用于干收的品种相比更受欢迎。种植系统需要改进,例如通过塑料隧道缓和小气候,以确保收获。
