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An Integrated Framework to Streamline Resilience in the Context of Urban Climate Risk Assessment
Earth's Future Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.1029/2020ef001508
A. Urquiza 1, 2, 3 , C. Amigo 1, 3, 4 , M. Billi 1, 3, 5 , R. Calvo 1, 3, 6 , L. Gallardo 1, 7 , C.I. Neira 1, 5 , M. Rojas 1, 7

Cities are increasingly acknowledged as crucial when facing climate change—and the environmental crisis more in general—, offering challenges and opportunities in terms of both mitigation and adaptation. Climate change-sensitive urban governance requires proactive, integrated, and contextualized approaches, making room for the complex, multilayered, multiscalar, and dynamic processes constituting a city. The notion of “resilience” has been acquiring growing recognition as a flexible and powerful concept to respond to these challenges. Resilience itself, however, is also a polysemic notion, often treated as little more than a catchword or a wishful aim or superimposed with other climate-related terms, such as risk, vulnerability, or adaptation. To promote a stronger integration among different problem-settings and epistemic communities, this paper advances six analytical distinctions aiming to provide structure and articulation to existing definitions of the concept of “resilience.” Likewise, it offers an integrated analytical framework and methodological pipeline to streamline resilience analysis in the context of urban climate risk assessment. The framework is specially defined to link up with the definition of climate risk provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) latest Assessment Reports and is illustrated through examples derived from the recent experience of the Chilean Climate Risk Atlas.



城市在面临气候变化以及更普遍的环境危机时越来越被认为是至关重要的,在减缓和适应方面提供挑战和机遇。对气候变化敏感的城市治理需要主动、综合和情境化的方法,为构成城市的复杂、多层次、多尺度和动态过程留出空间。“复原力”的概念作为应对这些挑战的灵活而强大的概念,已获得越来越多的认可。然而,复原力本身也是一个多义的概念,通常被视为一个口号或一厢情愿的目标,或者与其他与气候相关的术语(例如风险、脆弱性或适应)叠加在一起。促进不同问题背景和认知社区之间的更紧密整合,本文提出了六个分析区别,旨在为“弹性”概念的现有定义提供结构和表达。同样,它提供了一个综合的分析框架和方法论管道,以简化城市气候风险评估背景下的复原力分析。该框架专门定义为与政府间气候变化专门委员会 (IPCC) 最新评估报告提供的气候风险定义相联系,并通过来自智利气候风险地图集最近经验的示例进行说明。它提供了一个综合分析框架和方法论管道,以简化城市气候风险评估背景下的复原力分析。该框架专门定义为与政府间气候变化专门委员会 (IPCC) 最新评估报告提供的气候风险定义相联系,并通过来自智利气候风险地图集最近经验的示例进行说明。它提供了一个综合分析框架和方法论管道,以简化城市气候风险评估背景下的复原力分析。该框架专门定义为与政府间气候变化专门委员会 (IPCC) 最新评估报告提供的气候风险定义相联系,并通过来自智利气候风险地图集最近经验的示例进行说明。