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Prionosciadium guzmanianum (Apiaceae, Apioideae), a new species with red flowers from western Mexico
Nordic Journal of Botany ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.1111/njb.03180
Ramón Cuevas‐Guzmán 1 , Ana Patricia del Castillo‐Batista 1 , José Guadalupe Morales‐Arias 1

Prionosciadium guzmanianum, a second species of Prionosciadium with red flowers is described and illustrated. The genus is almost endemic to the Mexican Republic and presents a high richness and endemism in western Mexico. Given the color of its flowers, the closest relationship of the new species is with P. tamayoi, from which it differs by the basal, ternate-pinnatifid leaves, pinnatifid leaflets and larger orbicular fruits with central dorsal rib wing. Pollen grains are described and illustrated, and information on the habitat of the species is provided.


Prionosciadium guzmanianum (Apiaceae, Apioideae),墨西哥西部开红花新种

Prionosciadium guzmanianum是具有红色花朵的Prionosciadium的第二个物种。该属几乎是墨西哥共和国的特有种,在墨西哥西部具有很高的丰富度和特有性。考虑到它的花的颜色,这个新物种与P. tamayoi 的关系最密切,它与P. tamayoi 的不同之处在于它的基部、三出羽状半裂叶、羽状半裂小叶和具有中央背肋翅的较大圆形果实。对花粉粒进行了描述和说明,并提供了有关该物种栖息地的信息。