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The commercial history of Trebizond and the region of Pontos from the seventh to the eleventh centuries: an international emporium
Mediterranean Historical Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-29 , DOI: 10.1080/09518967.2021.1900161
Koray Durak 1

This article examines the merchant and commodity networks of Trebizond as well as routes at the regional, interregional, and international levels that connected the city to Constantinople, the rest the Black Sea, Armenia, the Near East and the Caucuses in the early Middle Ages. After a brief survey of the commercial history of Trebizond from the late antique period to the eleventh century, the economy of the Pontic region and its commercial exchanges with various regions are investigated in detail. The available evidence shows that the list of commodities exchanged between Pontos and its neighbours were longer, and the networks of merchants and routes were more complex than assumed thus far. Trebizond’s advantage as a port town for landlocked territories to its south and east (especially the large Iranian and Iraqi markets at the end of the Silk/Spice Route), as well as its close ties with Constantinople and the rest of the Black Sea, established the Pontic capital as a vital emporium. Benefiting from the increasing economic development in Byzantium and its neighbours, the prosperity of the Pontic region and is main city Trebizond is most visible in the period from the mid-ninth to the mid-eleventh centuries.


特拉比松和蓬托斯地区从 7 世纪到 11 世纪的商业历史:一个国际商场

本文考察了特拉比松的商人和商品网络,以及在中世纪早期将这座城市与君士坦丁堡、其余黑海、亚美尼亚、近东和高加索连接起来的区域、区域间和国际层面的路线。在简要考察了特拉比松从古代晚期到十一世纪的商业历史后,详细考察了庞蒂克地区的经济及其与各地区的商业往来。现有证据表明,蓬托斯与其邻国之间交换的商品清单更长,商人和路线的网络比迄今为止假设的更复杂。特拉比松作为其南部和东部内陆领土(尤其是丝绸/香料之路尽头的伊朗和伊拉克大市场)的港口城市的优势,以及它与君士坦丁堡和黑海其他地区的密切联系,确立了庞蒂克首都作为一个重要的商场。受益于拜占庭及其邻国日益增长的经济发展,庞蒂克地区和主要城市特拉比松的繁荣在 9 世纪中叶至 11 世纪中叶期间最为明显。
