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Making the Means to Draw Out Ideas
Architectural Design ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.1002/ad.2713
Nat Chard

One of the most radical MArch units at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London is Unit X25, fronted by Nat Chard, Professor of Experimental Architecture, and Emma-Kate Matthews. Chard has longstanding preoccupations with modelling, strange points of view and optical machines. This often results in his pupils producing work that questions the status quo in architecture and the spatial assumptions on which it is based, resulting in spectacular propositions.



伦敦大学学院巴特利特建筑学院最激进的三月单元之一是 X25 单元,由实验建筑教授Nat Chard和 Emma-Kate Matthews领导。Chard 长期以来一直专注于建模、奇怪的观点和光学机器。这通常导致他的学生创作的作品质疑建筑现状及其所基于的空间假设,从而产生壮观的命题。